Episode 25 ( Always )

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William: pull a up to the house. Gets out of the car.

Nick: Opens the door. What's up boss?

William: Santana is coming. Where is Brittany at?

Nick: In the basement. Santana will never get to her with my sister and our friends around. Smirks

William: Do not underestimate my daughter Nick! She is more powerful than you think or will ever know.

Dani: Don't worry about her nick. I will take care of Santana. Smiles

William: You both are way over your head.

Dani: She will be dead when this is over. If I can't have her no one can.

( With Santana )

Santana: No Mila I'm going alone.

Mila: Like hell you are!

Alice: I have to agree with Mila on this one Santana.

Santana: I am going to do this alone!

Bo: Santana is right she can do this alone. You are ready Santana.

Mila: Ready for what?

Bo: She has been training her whole life. Santana you go and we will be close by if you need us.

Santana: Thank you Bo. Turns to Mila Sis I will be ok and tell Reese I will bring Brittany home where she belongs with us.

Mila: I will Santana and YOU better come back with her or I'll kill you myself.

Santana: I will sis I promise. Turns to her mother I love you mom and I will see you soon. I would love for you to meet my future wife. You will just fall in love with her.

Adamari: I am sure I will Santana. Just be careful your father is very dangerous.

Santana: I will mom I better go I will see you all soon. And with that Santana is gone.

Mila: Looks at Bo I sure hope your right about this Bo.

( With Brittany )

Brittany: Chained to the wall.

Nick: Nice to see your awake.

Brittany: Go fuck yourself Nick! When Santana finds me she will kill you and not think twice about it.

Nick: I don't think so Brittany. She will never fine you and you and I will be together forever.

???: Think again Nick.

Nick: Turns around ho.. how did you find us?

Santana: I will always be able to find Brittany.

Nick: Brittany and I love each other. The night we made love. We are having a baby together.

Santana: Looks at Brittany His he telling the truth?

Brittany: Of course not! Santana we never made love. He raped me.

Santana: Looks at Nick with red eyes. Your so dead!! Hiss at Nick

Nick: Your the only one that is dying here.
Starts to turn into a wolf.

Brittany: OH GOD run Santana run!

Santana: I don't think so. Runs at Nick. Throwing him across the room.

Nick: Jumps up and runs at Santana.

Santana: Jumps up and lands on Nick's back. Wraps her arms around his neck and snaps his neck.

I Love You, I Love You More! BrittanaWhere stories live. Discover now