Episode 4 Scared

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* Last time *

Brittany: What's up?

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Brittany: What's up?

Quinn: Are you guys ok?

Finn: No not at all! Looks at Puck

Puck: Looks at Finn and then back to Brittany we saw....

Quinn: Let me guess? You saw Dave?

Finn: Looks at Puck eyes widen looks back to Quinn NO not Dave

Puck: We saw Sebastian!

Brittany: Eye's widen! Getting more pissed off.

* With Kurt & Blaine *

Kurt: Walking down the hall holding hands with Blaine

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Kurt: Walking down the hall holding hands with Blaine

Blaine: Walking with Kurt holding his hand. How's your day going?

Kurt: Pretty good. How about you?

Blaine: My day is good. Oh yeah I almost forgot. The guys are going to this new club. Do you want to go?

Kurt: Yeah sure it sounds like fun.

Blaine: Turns the corner and sees someone. What the hell!?

Kurt: looks up and sees the same person. You got to be fucking kidding me!!

Blaine: We need to find Brittany like right now!

Kurt: Yes we do walks away to find Brittany.

Blaine: Walks away with Kurt.

* With Brittany,Quinn,Finn and Puck *

* With Brittany,Quinn,Finn and Puck *

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