Episode 23 (Blood Moon)

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*Last Time*

Santana: Walks in the kitchen Bo why are my eyes still red?

Bo: Because you drank Brittany's blood.

Brittany: Will they turn back?

Bo: Not sure but I will ask and find out.

Santana: Ask who?

???: Walks in Me

Santana: Turns around Eyes widen What the fuck?!

Brittany: Who are You? Looks over to Santana.

Santana: Looks at Brittany That's your future father-in-law.

Santana Father: Hello babygirl.

Santana: I thought you were dead?

Santana Father: No baby girl. How are you?

Santana: Where have you been?

Santana Father: I'm sorry baby girl but your mother and I had to protect you and your sister. We faked our death and ran.

Santana: Yells YOU HAD TO RUN!! Are you fucking kidding Me? When Mila and I was told you were dead. It broke me!

Santana Father: I'm so sorry Baby girl we had to.

Santana: Yells FUCK YOU! We were a family and you broke us. Starts crying And now I hate you for that. Walks away

Santana Father: Baby girl please! Takes a deep breath. Hello Bo

Bo: Hello William

William: Looks at Brittany And you must be Brittany?

Brittany: Nods yes

William: Looks at Bo We have to talk. Brittany can you go and find Santana?

Bo: William she needs to be protected.

William: Looks at Bo And why is that?

Bo: She's Pregnant

William: I know I can smell the baby. But she's not our priority my daughter's are.

Bo: She's Pregnant with Santana's baby.

William: Eyes widen Please tell me your joking.

Bo: It's not a joke William. Brittany is special. She's 10 weeks

Brittany: Looks at Bo Why am I special?

Bo: Because your carrying Santana's baby.
Your her healer.

Brittany: I'm her What?

William: We don't have time for this! Brittany just fucking go and find Santana!

Bo: William I said No! Yells Allison!

Allison: Walks in Yeah?

Bo: Go with Brittany and help her find Santana. Protect her

Allison: Of course Come on Brittany let's go find that fiance of yours. Walks out with Brittany

Brittany: Goes with Allison

William: My daughter is not going to marry a human!

Bo: William there is nothing you can do about. Santana is in love with Brittany.

William: We will see about that. Can't marry someone if they are dead. How could you let this happen?

Bo: I got the girls to watch over them. I didn't know she was going to fall in love with Claire. I had to pull them out and after that we lost them and by the time we found them she was already in love with Brittany. Santana got shot two time and almosted died to safe Brittany. She loves her William and if you step in the middle of that we are fucked.

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