DemiGod? Yes. Badass? Maybe. Popular? Of Course Not. Chapter 3

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Dark, ouch. Ouch, dark. SOUND. Hales mind tried to will him to open his peepers open, but well..he had a stupid mind to begin with so much good that did. Note sarcasm. Giving up on his eyes, his ears seemed to take over. He'd always had better hearing anyways.

"No Mr. D, we found him in Kansas. K-A-N-S-A-S. You know, one of Demeters favorite states? Farming? Agriculture? No grapes? Ringing any bells?" Whoever the person was sounded frustrated. The voice was deep, but not overly deep, so Hale guessed it was a teenage guy. 'WAKE ME UP KIND SIR!' He thought lamely in his mind. Again, much good that did. Still note the sarcasm.

"Nope." Came another deep voice, his lips seeming to pop on the P. "I havent a clue. But the boy snores like a cow, so it would make sense." The Man said once more. Hale would have given the guy a weird look were he awake. Who was he talki- oh right. Hale. He was asleep.

'Wait...HEY I DON'T SNORE LIKE A COW!! COWS DONT EVEN SNORE!' He yelled mentally.

"Uh... Dionysus...cows don't snore...." Came the first voice again.

'THANK YOU!' Hale shouted mentally once more.

"Yes, and pigs dont bark. Now, what were you going to tell me Peter?" Came the older voice.

One of them sighed, and Hale was pretty sure it was the Peter guy. "Its Per- oh never mind. I was going to ask you where Chiron is-"

The boy was cut off when yet another male voice entered Hales hearing range "I heard you were looking for me?" A deep, throaty voice said with a soft chuckle.

"Hey Chiron. We found him just outside of Kansas City. Mrs. O' Leary sniffed him out! We didnt even know where she was taking us until we found him out cold in the woods! We thought we should bring him in, Mrs. O' Leary wouldnt've sniffed out just any kid." The Teenagers voice came again, with almost a bit of...concern?

"Yes, he is definitely a demigod, that i have no doubt about, but he seems to be at least 15, it is a wonder he survived so long on his own." Came the calm, deep male voice. The voice read calm, wise, and honest.

"Well, will the kid wake up soon?" Came the 2nd voice, that Hale already found to be rather annoying.

"He will awaken, when he does. Even a demigod needs time to heal. Come, let him rest. We will discuss more of what we have heard from the Roman camp." Came the deep voice once more. What had the boy called him? Chiron?

"Alright." Was the last thing Hale heard before he slipped back into his slumber, as his body recovered from the event he'd suffered.

DemiGod? Yes. Badass? Maybe. Popular? Of Course Not. ~FanFiction~Where stories live. Discover now