DemiGod? Yes. Badass? Maybe. Popular? Of Course Not. Chapter 14

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During dinner Angel couldn't stop thinking about her godly parent. She didn't even know if it was a mom or a dad. But she let the thought slide when Chiron announced in front of everyone that it was time for Capture the Flag.

Ok first of all, She isn't the type of person you would describe to coordinated. Second, she hates anything with the word 'Capture' in it. But instead of pouting, Angel put on a bright smile and followed her boyfriend to the armory where he helped her get suited up. Angel asked what he was smirking at when she caught his stare, but he just shrugged, causing her to roll her eyes.

To be honest, she didn't think this game would be such a big deal but apparently it is, considering Chiron told them not to 'Purposely' injure, kill or maim anybody. Angel couldn't help but eye Hale's sheild, wondering whether or not she needed one. Her boyfriend caught her gaze and told her not to worry and that he would protect her. That calmed her down alot. She trusted him with her life, of course so she followed him out to the pavillion where chiron announced some other changes to the game.

 "Attention!" Chiron shouted once more. "Tonights war games will be a bit different. The challenger," He said gesturing towards the red team, "Must not only capture their opponents flag, but capture the teams secret weapon. The opposing team shall not know who their opposers secret weapon is, but identify, and capture that person aswell." What in the world. Angel glanced at Hale who was smiling full on. She had to admit he looked pretty dazzling in his armor, holding onto the sword. Feisty, she thought to herself with a tilt of her head and ignored him when he asked why she was looking at him that way.

Angel laughed as they headed towards the rest of the gang. Annabeth and Percy regarded them kindly, but as to the others they just looked at Angel and Hale as if they were a bunch of useless peices to their little game. She glanced up at Percy when they started talking about the little secret weapon. He was looking at her in a strange way, and beside her Hale piped up with a stern, "no."

Angel looked around until she finally figured out what they were saying. They wanted her to be the secret weapon. "No no no I can-" She was in the middle of objecting to their plan but then Percy came in with his explanation.

She had to admit that made alot of sense to her, but she didn't want to let the team down. Soon enough they came to an agreement. She would be the secret weapon and Hale would be her protector. That part didn't seem to bother her as much, but if all else fails, she's gonna need to do some serious ass kicking. Derek, the Hermes cabin leader stepped foreward and introduced himself, along with Lexi and Bradei from the Apollos. Angel regarded them all and listened intently as the plan gets laid out. About 3 minutes later they were all headed off into different directions, each team taking every flank of the forest.

Her and Hale headed due east to where the flag supposedly stood. They snuck and ducked, staying quiet the entire time and sure enough there it was. The flag.

"Ha. Cake." She heard her boyfriend say before heading towards it. Something wasn't right. Angel looked around with her eyes narrowed, trying to see if there was a hidden trap somewhere but she found none. Automatically her hand went to her charm bracelet. She didn't know why but she had this sort of burning sensation to use it. Use it? It was just a stupid bracelet.

'Svalinne." Her mind shot back at her. Was she hearing things again? 'Svalinne' that voice in the back of her head said once more but with more force. Angel shook her head and just shrugged.

"Huh..." She said softly and took a step foreward to follow behind Hale, but something wrapped around her legs. "Hey!-" She shrieked as the vines wrapped around her legs, pulling her down on the ground, dragging her to who knows where.

The vines quickly made its away around her waist not stopping as they continued to pull her away from Hale. In the back she heard him shout "ANGEL!" and a rather profound cuss. She started to panic.

"Hang on Angel! Damn those Demeter kids to Tartarus." Was that Annabeth to her right? She couldn't tell. All she could focus on at the moment was trying to get out of her kidnapper's grasp.

Desperately she fumbled with her sword but it was stuck behind her armor in a rather uncomfortable way and she was not able to retrieve it whatsoever.

"Head south Head south!" She heard a familiar male voice shout, immediately followed by a herd of shouting campers. Derek? 

"Almost there you guys just get their flag." A rather sneering voice said somewhere to her left. Opposing team she guessed. With one last attempt to break free she shouted the word her mind had wanted her to say a while ago.


CLINKK. Was all she heard.

A huge, silver,sheild lined with ember emerged from her wrist, where her charm bracelet used to be, and instead of being shocked she was rather amused. It was a bright sun shield made by the hearth of Hestia herself, she thought.

"Ok. No more damsel in distress." She muttered as she stabbed her shield down into the ground, holding on for dear life. The vines seemed to be having trouble dragging her along, and she used this slight hesitation to her advantage. Using her teeth, Angel bit down on the strap she had used to hold her sword and tugged till it loosened and she was able to unhook the dagger from behind her with little grace.

Before the vines got their grip back, Angel sliced them in half causing them to recoil and stumbled back, trying to get back on her feet. She could hear the blue team hurrying behind her ready for action.

DemiGod? Yes. Badass? Maybe. Popular? Of Course Not. ~FanFiction~Where stories live. Discover now