DemiGod? Yes. Badass? Maybe. Popular? Of Course Not. Chapter 9

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Hale frowned, and glared at Annabeth when she mentioned Angel, should haved died, but relaxed quickly after his girlfriend took his hand. He was thankful when everyone left, and looked down at Angel. His Angel. The love of his life. The woman he'd been waiting to meet for 3 years.

"Angel.." He said softly, his eyes full of concern, adoration, and joy. "I-.." Hale cut himself off not sure of what to say under the circumstances.

He gently picked her up, and holding her carefully, and gently in one arm, pulled the covers back, and lay her down on the bed, covering her up, before gently sitting on the side of the bed next to her.

"Are you alright, love?" He asked worriedly, his eyes searching her beautiful brown ones, trying to find any sign that she was in pain still, planning to try and heal her if at all needed. "Does anything hurt?" he blurted out quickly, not even caring that they had just met outside of virtuality for the first time in their lives, only needing to make sure she was alright.

Hale panicked, not knowing what to do, incase she did still feel pain. It hadnt seemed like his healing had been working, which worried him, because if it didnt work he didnt know what else to do. He sat worriedly, watching her, and waiting for an answer.

DemiGod? Yes. Badass? Maybe. Popular? Of Course Not. ~FanFiction~Where stories live. Discover now