DemiGod? Yes. Badass? Maybe. Popular? Of Course Not. Chapter 18

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Angel had no idea what happend after she arrived at the Camp infirmary.

She thought she conked out from exhaustion within 5 minutes, but apparently her brain had other ideas. Her eyes batted open and she was laying in the middle of a wide, grassy field. No life form seemed to be around, except for some dying cornstalks and a creaky old fence built around the perimeter.

"Uh..." was all she could say, as she took a look around. The sky was pitch black. But somehow she was able to see through the darkness, even though there seemed to be no moon or stars in sight.

"Angel." A gentle, high voice came from behind her, causing her to immediately whirl around. She had nothing to defend herself with she thought for a split second, until she distinctly remember her bracelet.

"Svalinne" She whispered sternly. Nothing happend. "Svalinne!" Angel said once more, but a little more loudly. And again nothing happened. "What the fuck, work you stupid li-"

"Calm child. No need to take it out on your weapon now." She was interrupted by the same voice from earlier.

"Who are you??" Angel did another twirl around to look at her surroundings and again saw nothing but the cornstalks swaying in the wind.

"Don't look. Feel." said the strange voice again. It didn't sound menacing at all. It sounded like a woman's voice, motherly yet edgy at the same time. Angel tensed up but something inside her told her she should listen to this lady. 'Maybe it's the golden lady's sister' she mentally told herself. A silver lady? Copper? Hah. With her luck it would be something more deadly. With a roll of her eyes from her thoughts, Angel took a step foreward and the ground started to feel mushy. She looked down to see the face of a woman staring right up at her.

The dirt chick looked pissed. "Stepping on a goddess' face can curse you, child." She spat out.

"Sorry sorry!" Angel leaped backwards quickly, catching her balance on a huge stalk and blinked twice and rubbed her eyes before looking back at the lady in the ground.

"What do you say?"


The ground seemed to form a small smile before saying, "Good good. Now do you know who I am, my dear?"

Angel hadn't even thought of that. It did mention something about goddess just a moment ago right? She stuttered before she could answer, "I-.."

"Don't say you don't know." The ground boomed, but yet it still managed to have an earthy, gentle tone to it. "Think, dear." Angel thought.

Her mind worked immediately on it's own, as it flashed different images of fire, earthquakes, and thunderstorms. Then it cleared up with visions of the earth itself. Corns, farms, sunlight, unless rows of crops, passings of breads, and even a statue near the empire state building that Angel seemed to recognize as Pomona, the roman goddess of plenty.

"Demeter." She said under her breath.

"Exactly." Demeter laughed a heartily and the trees and grass seemed to sway along with her.

"I'm sorry bu-"

"Now now, I took away the power of your shield for a reason. I'm the goddess of grain and nature itself so I would appreciate it if no weapons were to be summoned around me as I speak." Angel swallowed, feeling how dry her throat was and just nodded. "I haven't enough time." Demeter tsked, spitting up some weeds doing so. "But I must warn you. You and your loved one will be facing a grave journey ahead. Hera's risky game might not have been enough to save your precious camps." Suddenly, the sky boomed as a bolt of lightning hit the ground 3 miles away from where they were. Demeter remained calm but closed her eyes. "Wake now child. Your mother sends her regards."


Angel's eyes flashed open. She sat up quickly and took in gaspy breaths and remembered her boyfriend who had been injured badly due to the monster attacks earlier.

"Hale." She said and looked around seeing that she was in the infirmary, herself. And Hale was right beside her, sound asleep. She wanted to touch him but couldn't bring herself to do so, seeing how bad his leg was. She went pale almost immediately and decided that it was best to let him rest. Sighing, she ran a hand through her damp hair and just sat there thinking about her dream. It couldn't be real, she thought. But after all that had happened...she didn't know what to believe anymore. But there was one thing she did know. She had a mother.

DemiGod? Yes. Badass? Maybe. Popular? Of Course Not. ~FanFiction~Where stories live. Discover now