Chapter 4

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When I woke up the next morning, I really wanted to run so I went to Melanie's room and I saw Aura and Melanie sleeping, I walked over to her bed and I saw Athena on the bed so I picked her up and woke Aura and Melanie up.

"Hey guys do you want to go running with me?" I asked.

"Sure" they both said. Melanie got Athena's leash and hooked it to her collar, then she gave her some food then we walked out of the door.

"I will walk Athena because I'm not a wolf yet and you guys can shift and run ahead I will just catch up to you guys." Melanie said.

"Ok" me and Aura said. Me and Aura shifted and Melanie said

"Wow Izzy your wolf is really beautiful, yours too Aura!"

"Thanks!" we both said. We walked outside and me and Aura ran into the woods and Melanie walked Athena. When me and Aura were running I smelt something, it smelled like Aura but kind of different.

"Do you smell that Aura?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's a rouge wolf." she said. we sneaked over to see what it was doing and we saw a young girl she had dark brown hair.

"She looks hurt." Aura said. I walked over to her and shifted to human luckily I brought clothes with me so did Aura I put the clothes on Aura shifted and did the same. I bent down beside the girl and I gently tapped her she stirred and her eyes opened and widened with fear.

"We won't hurt you honey" I told her she relaxed a bit.

"What's your name little one?" Aura asked her.

"A-Angie" she said in a low voice.

"Are you hurt and how did you get here?" I asked.

"I-I ran from my pa-pack because they abused m-me and I was walking in the woods and some rouges attacked m-me and I ran to get away and I blacked out and then I woke up to someone tapping me which w-was you." she said.

"oh dear, let's get you back to our pack house and see if we can help you hun." I said. We carried Angie back to the pack house and we carried her to a guest room and let her sleep. Melanie came in the pack house with Athena.

"We found a rouge wolf and we brought her here because she was hurt and when she wakes up we're gonna take her to mom and dad." Aura said.

"Ok" Melanie said.

"I'm gonna go put Athena in Izzy's room so she can sleep." Melanie said.

"Ok" me and Aura said. Angie woke up about an hour later so we are taking her to mom and dad.

"Hey mom, dad this is Angie we want her to be part of the pack!" I said to my parents.

"well you know Isabella it's not that easy" my dad said.

"Well can Angie tell you here life story then you decide please?" I asked.

"Sure Izzy" mom said. Then Angie told them her story.

"Wow that's horrible" my mom said.

"come on Jake I think we should let her be part of the pack!" my mom said.

"Oh alright Elizabeth, she can be part of the pack." my dad said. They mixed blood so she was actually part if the pack.

"well now you are officially part of the pack Angie, tomorrow we will go shopping for you clothes." I said.

"For now you can borrow some of my clothes" I told her. I have her clothes to sleep in, then I went into my room and fed Athena and I ate some fruit then I went to bed.


A/N: I put a picture of Isabella's wolf on the side.

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