4. Glittery Warlock

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The five of us sat at Taki's eating our food. I had ordered a plate of fries and a glass of blood (despite already have eaten that pizza earlier.)

"Good thing a downwolder gave me this," Isabelle said pulling out a flyer. It was an invite to Magnus Bane's party at his place.

"Well, we'll need to get properly dresses for a downworlder party," Jace said. A smile grew across Isabelle's face.

"Why can't I just go like this?" Clary asked.

"No. Downworlders will sense you from a mile away. You all aren't exactly incognito. It would be hard to miss you," I smirked. "You can borrow some of my clothes," Isabelle said. I nodded in thanks.

We had left and gone back to the institute getting dressed and were off to the party. Clary in a tight black dress mine was a lot alike except mine showed less cleavage. Isabelle pulled it off though. She had a very beautiful confident figure. Clary could have pulled it off, she just didn't look as confident. She kept glancing at Isabelle with a hint of jealously.

We arrived at his place with Simon because he wanted to come along and knocked on the door. The door swung open and Magnus Bane stood there in a glittery jacket. His hair spiked up. He stared at us with his yellow cat eyes.

"I don't recall inviting the Nephilim," he said thoughtfully. Isabelle held up the invitation. "You did and these are my guest's." He stared at it. "Fine, but only because of the pretty one."

"Thank you," Isabelle and Jace responded at the same time. Magnus rolled his eyes.
"I was talking about her, the one with the gray eyes." He pointed to me. I looked behind me awkwardly. He winked at me and stepped away letting us inside.

We walked in, Isabelle pulled Simon onto the dance floor. Jace and Alec walked off. I stood next to Clary watching the faerie band play.

"Clarissa why are you here?" Magnus asked. "Dot told me you were looking for your mother-"

"Dot! You saw Dot? Where is she?" His face fell. "You didn't know I see. She's...dead. Valentine killed her." I watched tears fill Clary's eyes. I took that as my cue to hop in.

"Mr. Bane we understand you are the one who shall we say blinded Clary's memories. We would like you to please unblind them." He turned his gaze to me and smiled.

"I don't believe we've been formally introduced, call me Magnus." He held out his hand and I took it. He brought it to his lips and kissed it.

"I'm Alice.....Could you please help us?" He looked up thoughtfully still holding my hand. "I can't I'm afraid. The spell I performed was very advanced. Don't worry she'll begin to get her memories back, the spell will fade eventually." A short burly vampire walked over.

"You invite Nephilim guests. They messed up our bikes!" Magnus went on telling him how that was not his problem. I saw Alec and Jace trying to contain their laughter. The vampire grumpily stomped away.

"What's the party for?" I asked. He looked at me. "My cat, Chairman Meow's birthday." I nodded. I watched Isabelle run over.

"Simon's a rat!" Alec got defensive.

"Why Izzy what did he do to you?"

"No he's an actual rat I told him not to drink a purple drink and he did. I can't find him!" Clary began freaking out and ran off with them to look. Magnus pulled me towards him. He had never released my hand.

"I do hope we meet again, I have enjoyed this meeting." I nodded.

"Goodbye, Mr. Bane." I pulled my hand away.

"Call me Magnus!" He called after me. The vampires passed me leaving. We searched but couldn't find Simon, then it hit me. The vampires must've mistaken him as their own.

"Guys! I know where Simon is. Lucky for you I happen to be somewhat welcome there. I also know the current leader. Looks like we're going to Hotel Dumort."

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