9. Don't touch my hair

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"Hey! Hey! Alice!" I groaned rolling onto my stomach.

"Five more minutes," I mumbled into the pillow. The person chuckled and placed a hand on my shoulder.
I opened my eyes and stared up at Magnus. "What are you doing here?" I looked through the window of the hospital wing in the institute to see it was still dark out.

"Saving you from demon poison."

"I'm a vampire I can survive a lot of things. Demon poison is one of them." He rolled his eyes.

"Perhaps, but I came to make sure." I sat up.

"Well thank you." I stood and he followed.

"You can thank me by dinner."

"Magnus, I can't. Why don't you go ask one of your boyfriends or something!" I regretted the words once I'd said them but I had a headache and he wouldn't leave me alone. He looked hurt.

"So that's what it is? You're afraid I'll break your heart?" I stared at him. Might as well tell him the truth.

"You want the truth? Yes. You go out with whoever you want whenever you want. You've dated hundreds of people. I've only loved one. And he's dead. So if I do love someone again I don't want to be the fool that gets their heart broken."

He was silent. "I do have feelings. I love. I know commitment. I'd never go out on my partner." I laughed.

"I don't love you Magnus!"

He looked like I'd stabbed him in the heart.

"We both know that isn't fully true. You feel something. I have felt something from the moment you walked into my apartment." I stood there my hands slightly shaking.

He stepped forward and his lips connected with mine closing the gap between us. I felt something my stomach do summersaults and electricity. I deepened the kiss wrapping my arms around his shoulders. The room shook and we pulled apart.

"Someone's used the portal," I said. He grasped my hand and looked into my eyes.

"I'll go with you." I nodded briefly and we walked out. Isabelle and Alec met us there.

"Where's Clary...and Jace?" I asked. "With Hodge. Demons are in the institute now," Isabelle said hastily. I sighed.
"Fine let's split up. Magnus come with me." We walked off.

"So what would our ship name be? Malice? Agnus?"

"Malice is intention to do ill will and Agnus...just no," I said as we rounded a corner. We both stopped abruptly coming face to face with three demons.

"Crap...this day was going so well too," I muttered before lunging forward. I knocked the demon to the ground and he yanked on my hair. I brought my seraph blade down on him.

"Don't! *stab* touch! *stab* my! *stab* HAIR!" I stabbed him one last time and he disappeared. Magnus took care of the second one while I killed the last one.

"Go help the others fight off the demons please. I need to get Clary." He hesitated but kissed my cheek.

"Be careful," he said and ran off. I turned and walked to Hodge's study. When I opened the door I about had a heart attack.

"Valentine," I whispered. The silver haired man turned to me.

"Hello Alice."

The Guardian~Magnus Bane Love Story Where stories live. Discover now