Too Many Suspects

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                 Robbins saw quietly at her desk trying to figure out what to do. It had been 24 hours since Kelly was taken and Robbins couldn't help but feel like it was her fault. Kelly was suffering only God knows where because Robbins couldn't protect her. Robbins knew there was more of a chance that Kyle would come for her, yet Robbins wasn't there for her. Then there was the chance that the copycat did this, but why would he kidnap Kelly? He would be straying from his original path by taking her, it threw off everything that Robbins team had said about the copycat. There was a knock on her door and Dole walked in, his face white as a ghost.

             "We have a problem." He spoke quietly.

               She instantly feared the worst when he said that. Did he find Kelly's body laying in a ditch somewhere? Was it one of the other girls who went missing? If this was really a copycat then he would have to kill two girls just like Kyle had.

              "What?" She asked, afraid to hear what he had to say.

              "We found two bodies." He said vaguely which irritated Robbins.

             "Just spit it out, what do I need to know? I don't have time for a guessing game." She grumbled as she clenched onto the edge of her desk.

            "One of the bodies is Faye Hills, one of our missing girls. And the other body wasn't reported missing but seems to be involved in the case or at least you." Dole said.

            "Seems to be involved? Why?" She asked, standing up from her desk.

                "It's probably best if you see it for yourself." He replied, making her mind go in a million places.

               Dole had told her that Faye Hill was discovered outside the police station. She hadn't noticed it because she was practically living at the police station and hadn't been outside in hours. She slid on a pair of latex gloves and stepped under the yellow crime scene tape that was already placed around the scene. She saw the body of a little girl who she recognized from the missing person board in the station. She had curly red hair that was tangled and covered with dried blood. Her eyes were shut tightly. Her pale skin was stained with crimson blood and it was clear on how she died. There was a thin line where her neck was cut open, draining a decent amount of blood from her body.

             "This is how Faith Hanks was displayed when she was killed, in front of the police station. She was also the first body that was killed by Kyle." Robbins announced as she stared down at the poor girl's body.

             She knew at that moment what to look for when she realized that this was the copycat. She knelt down next to the body and reached inside her shirt. Just as she expected, there was a folded up piece of paper in the girl's shirt. The edges were stained with blood. Robbins shows Dole the note and then started to read it out loud.

           "Dear Colorado Police, this is Faye Hills. I'm sure you know her mother. Well I hate her. I'm not going to tell you why, that's your job to figure out. Faye is obviously dead and I wanted to give you all some type of clue because you all are idiots because you can't find anything about me. Actually, that just makes me a genius and you all idiots but what does it matter. All of the girls I have taken, well most at least, are with me for a reason. Mrs. Hills, this is payback bitch. Here's your little girl back" She paused, knowing this was exactly what Kyle had written in his letter, word for word.

           "Does this sound familiar? Well, it should. This was almost the same exact words Kyle Olive used in his letter to you a year ago. Kyle may have been good, but I'm better! Kyle is a thing of the past. Have fun finding me." She finished reading the note.

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