The Barn

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               Tears cascaded down my cheeks as I tried to comprehend what I was seeing. How could Kyle do this? Why would he do this? I thought he was going to be nicer since I was behaving. What did I do wrong? I didn't do anything wrong, so why? I couldn't process the logic behind this. Then again, there was no logical thinking coming from Kyle.

              In the middle of the room was a girl chained to shackles that were hanging from the ceiling. She had familiar brown hair and eyes that I could never forget. Maddie was the girl chained up. My best friend. Her purple shirt with black polka dots was covered in blood and her jeans were torn in several places. Blood dripped from her nose and head. Her eyes searched for me and once they found me, something lit up, as if she thought I could help her when I knew I couldn't.

            I had the urge to puke but held it down. It felt as if I had a hundred pound weight resting on my chest. I couldn't breathe because I knew what was probably going to happen. I tried to speak but only sobs came out. My heart was racing and my body started to tremble uncontrollably. I was being good, this wasn't supposed to happen.

           "You didn't actually think I was going to take you out as I reward, did you? I'm not an idiot." Kyle asked behind me. I whirled around, to see him with a sinister smirk on his face.

           "Please don't do this! I'll do anything, please." I begged, not wanting to see my best friend have the same fate as so many other people I was close too.

           I turned bolted over to Maddie but stopped dead in my tracks as another figure stepped in front of me. It was Dole. I turned back to Kyle and said, "Kyle, you killed my parents, my boyfriend and so many others, please don't kill my best friend. I'll do anything you want. I will behave and, and-" I couldn't continue because I started to sob so much that I was choking on my sobs.

            "See, I realized something. I know you will never stop trying to escape. Sure, you may behave for a short period of time but overall, you will never stop. You're a fight and sadly for you, that is causing me to do this." He grinned.

            When I didn't say anything, he continued, "I figured that maybe if you didn't have anyone else to go home too then maybe you will just give up and accept your fate. We are going to together forever and if that means I have to kill every single person in your life for you to accept that, then so be it." He said shrugging his shoulders at the end as if this was such a casual conversation.

           I was stunned, unable to move even if I wanted too. Where was all this coming from? How did he know that I was pretending to be good? I was really trying to make this work for the time being. Why wouldn't he want me to behave? Tears ran down my face when I realized that he was going to killed Maddie and threatened to kill everyone else I love. Would he go after my aunt and uncle? What about Robbins?

           "You're a monster." I whispered, almost unsure if I said it out loud or not.

            Kyle started to walk closer to me and that's when I clenched my fist. As I was going to swing on him, Dole grabbed my hand and then held my body against his, trapping me. I struggled against him, almost getting away but he knew how to overpower me.

         "Let me go!" I screamed at him.

            "You know, you're just like your mother. She was a fighter that's for sure. Before I slit her throat, she fought hard. I see where you get it from. But sadly, she wasn't good enough and her fate was the same as your father's." Kyle said and with each word, I felt like I was being stabbed over and over again. It was getting harder and harder to breathe.

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