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              Dole finally pulled up to the house. Kelly had remained quiet for most of the car ride which he was thankful for. He wasn't in the mood to talk, especially since he had told her that he was against Kyle now. He was still up in the air about his decision to help Kelly, afraid that Kyle would eventually find out. He didn't want to die. He knew getting into this over a year ago was risky but Dole wanted something more in his life. Something adventurous. How had Kyle managed to persuade him to become the criminal that Dole swore to lock up? He couldn't change the past now, only move forward.

             Kyle had changed from over a year ago. Dole wasn't sure if it was jail that had caused this or just Kyle becoming more and more mentally unstable. It didn't matter though, all that mattered was that Kyle was out of control and dangerous. He hadn't expected Kyle to kill Maddie nor did he want that to happen. Kelly had started behaving which is what Dole though Kyle wanted from her. He ruined all of that now. Dole couldn't have stopped what happened and silently followed Kyle's orders to kidnap Maddie and lock her up in the barn.

           Once the two of them walked inside the house, he told her to wait in the bedroom for Kyle. If he saw her first, he may act before thinking. Despite not being able to help her escape, he did want to help her. He did feel sorry for her. Never did he predict that Kyle would kill her boyfriend and her best friend in front of her. Dole never wanted that. He thought Kyle would just be content with having her.

          Part of him regretted kidnapping her and putting her through this again but then there was the rush and fascination he had for kidnapping and killing that worried him. What if he changed back to his old ways and didn't care anymore? His own thoughts made him anxious. There was a part of him that he was unable to control. What if that part resurfaced again? He closed his eyes, shaking the thoughts of wanting to kill again out of his mind.

            Dole managed to convince Kyle to leave Robbins alone, despite Kyle wanting to teach her a lesson for arresting him a year ago. He told Kyle that he would punish Robbins and deal with her properly. Thankful, Kyle believed him and hasn't messed with her. Kyle did make it clear that Kelly was his girl and he would punish her and deal with her misbehaving. What if Dole couldn't convince Kyle to go easy on Kelly? What if this beating went too far? He didn't believe that Kyle would kill her on purpose but out of rage, maybe accidentally killing her.

          He wanted to go downstairs and feed Robbins but knew Kyle would be home soon. Dole needed to see Kyle before he got to Kelly. Dole was good at persuading people so he hoped it could work on Kyle to an extent. It had been hours since he was at the police station. The girls were found and returned to their families. He interviewed some of them which he found ironic. If only they knew who they were really talking too. He laughed at the thought because no one still knew who Dole really was. Robbins was the only one who figured it out and she was locked in the basement. There were no updates which meant nothing new was found. Not a surprise to Dole.

           It was about an hour later when the front door opened and Kyle stormed in. He appeared to be calm but by the grimace on his face, Dole knew that anger was still boiling inside of him. Dole had planted himself on the couch and Kyle took a seat in a chair next to Dole. At first, no one said anything. Kyle's lip was busted open and his face was stained with dried blood. He had wiped most of it off but there was lingering evidence of his once bloody nose. A faint bruise was starting to form on his cheek. He wanted to laugh at Kyle, seeing him in this condition but Dole wasn't ready to sign over his death certificate yet.

            "Are you okay?" Dole asked, not sure exactly how to start the conversation.

             "Does it look like it? I'm fucking pissed right now." He growled, sending death glares in Dole's direction. Dole knew it was a stupid question but at least it got them talking.

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