A New Face

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Nutty sat outside with Giggles, Flaky, Splendid and Sniffles. They were all talking and laughing with each other. All other them except for Nutty. He sat there with with his head in his hand and his arm supported by his leg. Splendid looked away from Giggles and at Nutty. He looked completely zoned out and depressed.

"Nutty, you ok?" He asked him. Everyone looked at Nutty when Splendid called his name. "Hm? Huh?" Nutty quickly sat up straight and got rid of his depressing look. "Are you alright? You look so down." Splendid repeated. Nutty said nothing and Giggles sighed. "He's been like this ever since we've came back school."

"Maybe it's because he didn't want to come back or is tiresome of this school." Sniffles said pushing up his glasses with his middle finger. "After all, you did say he start acting this way after arriving back at school." Nutty groaned. "Don't talk about me like I'm not here! I. Am. Fine. Ok?" Nutty gave them a smile. "That's the saddest excuse for a smile I've ever seen from you." Splendid said narrowing his eyes. Flaky held onto Giggles arm. "W-well..." Everyone looked at her and she hid herself further behind Giggles. "..If something is wrong with him.. H-he'd tell us..when he's ready..right?" Nutty nodded. Splendid frowned slightly.

Splendid and Nutty hasn't seen each other in years. He had left town a long time ago when they were younger and had just came back last week. He was so excited to see his childhood friend again.
But we he finally saw Nutty, he didn't look too happy to see him at all. Splendid didn't take it personally. He figured something was wrong with him. Even though it's been a long while, he still remembered a few things about him.

When everyone was going there separate ways, Splendid decided to follow Nutty. "Nutty!" He shouted causing the multi-colored boy to stop and turn around. "Yeah?" Splendid stood in front of him and smiled. "It's been a long time since we've seen each other. Why don't I come over for a bit?" Nutty nodded. He didn't mind Splendid coming along with him. After all, they were still friends.

"You've changed a little since we were kids." Splendid chuckled. Nutty gave a small smile. "Yea, so have you. Your still wearing that red mask over your eyes. Aren't you a bit too old for that now?" Splendid laughed. "It makes me feel like a hero." He looked at Nutty who was pouting once again and again he was also zoned out. "Hey, Nutty.." The blue hair boy waved his hand in the candy lover's face snapping him out of his trance. "Huh? W-what?" Splendid sighed. He knew there was something going on with Nutty. This is not how he imaged things to be when he returned and saw him. "It's obvious sonething is wrong with you." Nutty just shook his head and continued walking home until Splendid placed his hand on his shoulder. "Please tell me." Nutty stared for moment before looking down and giving a shaky sigh. He hesitated to tell Splendid what was wrong but, eventually told him.

Splendid froze up at the news. How could something like his happen to him? Why? Whoever this guy "Flippy" was, Splendid was sure going to find him. Splendid clenched his hand. This was unbelievable! And this happened not to long after his arrival. He felt a hand grab his arm. Splendid looked at Nutty who was was tearing up a bit, trying to hold back the tears as he was doing earlier. "Do not tell anyone. Please..." He mumbled. Nutty's voice was even shaky. Seeing him this way and sounding like this broken Splendid's heart. He only nodded in response and suddenly hugged Nutty. Nutty hugged him back. "That asshole.." Splendid frowned.

They made it to Nutty's house. Nutty was no longer crying and was looking slightly better. Maybe telling someone, telling Splendid, made him feel a little better but, Splendid couldn't get what Nutty had told him off his mind. It infuriated him. Just as Nutty opened the door, Splendid held up his hand and smiled. "You know what Nutty, I think I'm going to go. Let's do this another time." Nutty nodded. "Alright then, See ya." They waved goodbye. Splendid went home. He could spend anytime with Nutty just yet. Not until he met Flippy.

The next day at school Flippy was at school talking to Petunia and Cuddles. "Wait Flippy, I heard there's a guy going around school asking about you." Flippy looked at Petunia in confusion. "Really?" She nodded. "A new kid."
"Why?" Cuddles asked for Flippy. Petunia shrugged. "But he's strange. He doesn't know you but, walks around with a smile on his face as he ask about you." Flippy looked even more confused. "Who the hell is he? How do you know this?" Petunia turned away. "He came up to me and asked me too..." The two boys looked at her in shock. "What?!" Flippy shouted. "What 'd he ask you?" Cuddles asked. Petunia shrugged and turned back around. "Just...'Who is Flippy?'...'Where can I find him?'...'Do you know him?'...Questions like those but don't worry. Just in case he's a creep, I lied and said I hold no type of info of you at all." She smiled proud of herself. The two boys sighed.

Flippy was in class with Nutty again. He was quiet as usual now. Mr.Lumpy seem to of enjoyed the tension between them two. Probably because it kept them quiet. What an awful, typical teacher he was. Flippy debated on getting his attention but, ended up deciding not to. They were going to talk about this all soon anyway. He just needed to be patient. Cuddles told him Nutty agree to speak with him but, it was up to them when or where. Flippy was going to try and talk to him today.

Flippy was in the hall walking to his next class when all of a sudden a fist connected with his face. The surprise attack caused him to stumble to the side slightly off balance. He touched his face and looked to see who had hit him. A guy his height with blue hair and eyes stood a few feet away from him. He wore a red mask over his eyes. A frown was upon his face and he looked extremely pissed off. Flippy frowned at him. "Who the hell are you?" The guy glared at him. "Are you.. Flippy?" Flippy balled up his fist. "Idiot. You punched me not even sure if I'm who your looking for. Yeah, I'm him. Now, why the fuck did you punch me." The guy stood straight. "I'm Splendid... I am someone Nutty knows." He said. The word "friend" didn't please him. "You should know why I punched you from that alone..." Flippy's eyes widened. He knew.

"How did you-"

"Nutty told me.." Splendid interrupted. "Don't worry, he made me promise not to tell anyone else." Flippy stood frozen. So the guy that was looking for him, was this guy. One of Nutty's friends.

"So, do you get a kick out doing shit like that?!" Splendid shouted. He was well aware of the few students that remained in the hall watching them. Waiting for a fight to break out. Splendid was being discreet with his words so only Flippy knew what he was talking about. He was doing it for Nutty. "Did you enjoy doing that to him!? Your a  sick perverted bastard!" Flippy wasn't sure how to respond to this. Now that he knew the reason he was punched in the face, he was no longer angry. He knew he deserved it.

"N-no! You got it all wrong!" Flippy finally was able to speak. Splendid wasn't having it. He shook his head. "How the hell do I have it all wrong! Something like this can not be misunderstood!" Splendid did have a point. This was serious. Something as serious as this can not be called a misunderstanding. But, he did really know Flippy had a "split personality". He wasn't sure what to tell this guy. It wasn't his business anyway. Why was he so pissed about it? He knew Splendid and Nutty were friend as he said but, why was he so worked up.
"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to answer me?" Splendid frowned.

Flippy looked away for a moment. "This guy just came out of nowhere and already starting problems with me.." He sighed. "Is Nutty that pissed to go around telling everyone?"

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