Getting The Word Out

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Nutty and Flippy has been together for almost a week now.

Flippy walked through school with his arm around Nutty's shoulders and Nutty was back to his normal bright silly smile again. Flippy wanted everyone to know that Nutty was his.
And his only.

Cuddles came up to the two with a sneaky looking grin on his face. "Well, well.." He chuckled. "Look who has finally got what they've been after. So now you'll stop sulking all the time now, huh?" Flippy frowned at him as his now lover giggled. "Ok bun-bun.." Cuddles just laughed at his friend and just to mess with him, went beside Nutty and placed an arm around him too. Nutty just looked at him confused. "Mind if I join you guys for now?" Frowning, Flippy removed his own arm from Nutty just to grab him by the arm and yank him to the other side of himself and away from Cuddles. His sudden action surprised both Cuddles and Nutty. "Whoa, chill out Flippy. I was just messin' with ya.." The blonde raised his hands as a defense from Flippy's death glare. "Yeah.." Was all he said as he walked away with Nutty. This time holding him by his wrist instead and dragging him along.

"What's wrong with you? Cuddles is only playin' around.." Nutty said picking up his pace so he could be beside Flippy instead of being dragged behind him. He didn't say a word. A frown still remained on his face. "His attitude changes really quick.." Nutty thought to himself. When they stopped Nutty looked up at his face. It was almost as he remembered last time. His eyes were gold. Well, at the moment they were greenish- gold as if in the process of picking a color. "Hey, Flippy?" Nutty called out to him. Flippy let his hand go and faced him completely before planting a kiss on his forehead. He smiled softly as he said, "I'll see you in class. I need to go do something first." He didn't give Nutty anytime to speak as he walked away from him after he said what he needed to. "A...Alright.." Nutty's voice trailed off.

"Flippy!" Shifty ran up to him with a frown upon his face. His twin brother stood behind him frightened. "I know you killed my brother!" Flippy raised a brow to him. "What? He's right there.." Shifty gave him an intense look as he balled up his fist. "Don't act dumb with me! I'm not in the mood for you to be bullshitting me right now!" Flippy sighed. This isn't what he came to them for. He didn't want to talk about this right now. "Look.." He said deciding to avoid the recent topic. "I just came to tell ya to back off of Nutty. That is all." Now it was Shifty's turn to look confused. "The hell? Why would I do that?" Flippy gave him a resentful look. Was he serious? Does he not get it? "Because he's mine." Shifty gave a short laugh. "You? Seriously? A criminal as yourself, you can not be serious!"

"Your a criminal."

"We steal. You kill."

There was silence for a moment until Flippy chuckled and stepped forward. "You were right." Sudden anxiety hit the twins from the tone in Flippy's voice. It turned low and threatening. "I actually did kill your brother!" He laughed. Shifty opened his mouth to speak, but Flippy beat him to it. "And I'll do it again.." The twins were both fell silent again. Flippy was obviously intimidating them. They stepped back twice as Flippy took one forward. "I killed him because he didn't understand that Nutty was already taken then as he is now. Now that Nutty has excepted that, I decided to come and confront you two. The ones I was recently having problems with. If I find either of you touching, flirting or even staring at him.." His eyes were getting closer to the color gold. "I will not hesitate to kill you both."

"You ditched me!" Nutty yelled at Flippy. "I didn't! I told you I'd be back and I am!"
"You said in class! Do you know how bored I was?" Flippy laughed a bit and hugged his candy lover. "I'm sorry. I forgot I had a few things to take care if today that I should of done from the beginning." Nutty pulled away enough to look up at him and tilted his head to the side in confusion. "From the beginning? What do you have to do?" Flippy chuckled and grabbed Nutty's chin with his index finger and thumb and made him look straight at him. "Your adorable." He layed a light kiss upon his lips. Nutty blushed at that. "I'll make it up to ya, I promise. But I need to see... Do a few more things."

In Nutty's last period class, he sat in with his usual crowd. "I'm glad Nutty's all better, but now the twins are acting strange. You guys haven't said a word at all." Nutty, Flaky and Giggles looked at Shifty and Lifty. The two sat a bit further from Nutty and closer to Giggles. Usually they took turns sitting beside and behind Nutty on the bleachers, but now Nutty was on the end beside only Flaky. "Are you guys ok?" He asked the two who nodded avoiding eye contact with him. Honestly, it made him feel bad. Weren't they friends? "A-are you sure you both are ok? Giggles's purse has b-been sitting in front of you and neither one of you... Has tried to steal it yet.." Flaky said softly looking concerned. "Flaky!" The redhead jumped at the sudden yell of her name. "I-I'm sorry!" Giggles sighed and hugged Flaky and Flaky took Giggles purse for her, hugging it as Giggles hugged her. "Nothin's wrong.." The twin wearing a hat said. "We're fine." Lifty added. Giggles gave them a look disbelief. "You sound like Nutty.."
"Hey!" He yelled and Giggles shrugged smiling. "You were moppy before."

Next chapter will be out soon this month and then MAYBE a Halloween special on Halloween if you all want. If so, then I'll post it exactly at midnight when its the beginning of the day. Thanks for reading and keeping up. I know I may update once a month, but I have been a bit busy lately..

I added another problem into the story. Don't worry, it's not even close to done yet... I think... I dunno..

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