Blood Bond

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The past should stay in the past, right? Especially if that past is a bloody one.

"I just want to be with you and only you. I want us to stay together forever. We have so much fun with each other, right? So please.. Don't leave me. And in return I won't leave you.."

"Flippy~" Flippy turned around and was engulfed in a hug immediately after. He laughed and hugged the multi-color guy back. It was of course his 13 years old best friend Nutty. "What's up?" Nutty let him go and backed up a bit. He bounced in glee. "Flaky's throwing a party!" Flippy smiled at him. "Really? That's a bit surprising, but awesome! When is it?" "It's in a few hours that's why I came for you! Now we have to go now to make it in time!" With that he grabbed Flippy's wrist and dragged him along to Flaky's home. Nutty smiled happily as Flippy laughed as he did so.

I don't know what would of happened to me if I never met you. Your special. I'm glad we've met each other and became so close. Don't let anyone else get this close to you other than me, ok?

When they finally made it to the party. Everyone was already there. It saddened Nutty a bit. "You ok?" Flippy said looking at his friend's pouting face. "I didn't want us to be last! They all had the same idea as me!" Flippy chuckled and placed a hand on the candy boy's head. "It's fine. We're last together." Nutty looked at Flippy and smiled brightly again, finding comfort in Flippy's words. "Right!" He said and took Flippy inside with him.

There's no doubt in my mind that your different. Different in a way that keeps me wanting to be around you and be close to you. Don't you feel the same? Do you feel our connection?

Flippy left Nutty for a moment to use the restroom. When he came back out, he searched for his beloved friend. He soon found him. Nutty was talking to Sniffles, Petunia and Flaky. Flippy found himself frowning. He felt betrayed for some reason. Forgotten. Why wasn't Nutty waiting for him? Why did he leave him to go to the others.

You only share secrets with me. You only be generous to me. You only act friendly towards me. So why are you being so defiant on such simple rules? Only us remember. Us against the world, don't you recall?

"Nutty.." Flippy walked up to him. Nutty looked back at Flippy with a smile. "Oh, your out now. Good!" Nutty's contagious smile made Flippy's frown change in a matter of seconds. "How about we go get some snacks?" He suggested and Nutty nodded. Flippy sighed in relief until Nutty said, "Just give me a moment to speak with them." Nutty spun back around to the others. Flippy's frown was back. His fist was clenched and he looked around until his eyes laid upon a kitchen knife. He angry left his best friend and the three with him.

If we are truely friends then we much be committed! Do not abandon me. Don't. I'd never do so to you. So please, don't do it to me. Don't betray me.

Flippy grabbed the knife from the kitchen and walked casually up to Petunia. Once behind her, Nutty looked over at him, smiling as always until he spotted the knife. Before he could question Flippy, it came down on Petunia's back. Her scream was silences with his hand over her mouth. He twisted and yanked it out and allowed her body to lay limp on the ground. "Fli-Flipp-" The knife sliced Flaky's throat before she could finish. With a jab to the chest she fell over as well. Nutty only watched in horror as Flippy grabbed Sniffles by the hair and repeated stabbed him in the face. Nutty did the only thing he could do.

He screamed.

Everyone looked over at the two and the three corpses. Everyone went into a panick. Flippy grinned and walked right pass Nutty towards the others.

I will do anything to protect our friendship. Your important to me. Even if I have to keep these creeps from trying to take you away from me, I'll do anything to protect our friendship, our bond, or connection. I'm your only friend.

Nutty fell to his knees and watched as Flippy slaughtered everyone in the house and prevented their escape. He couldn't believe this was happening and his friend was the cause of it all. Tears fell from his eyes as he stared silently petrified in fear. This couldn't really be happening. Things were going so well. So, why did Flippy start killing everyone. Nutty sobbed as he glanced down at his clothes. Blood splatters were on them. The blood of his friends. He covered his head in his arms and hands and tucked his head in his lap. He closed his eyes tight, trying to drown out the screams and gurgling of his friends. He sobbed aloud.

We are best friends. We have fun. Your very precious to me. So I can't let you go. I can't let them take you. It would hurt me too bad. Don't you understand, Nutty? I'm doing this for us..

A hand landed on Nutty's back and he quickly unballed himself and pushed and shoved at who he knew was Flippy. Flippy looked at Nutty surprised at how he pushed him away. He could see his friend trembling, crying and the fear in his eyes. "Nutty, let's go.." He reached out again with his blood soaked hand for his friend and Nutty back away. "Stay away from me! killed.. everyone!" Flippy just smiled sincerely at Nutty. "Because they were going to hurt our friendship. I had to get rid of them." More tears fell as Flippy only laughed and smiled as if he never harmed a soul. Flippy's smile went away after he noticed Nutty's wasn't smiling back, only crying more. "Nutty..." Flippy pouted sounding concerned. "Your insane.." Nutty said and Flippy paused before chuckling. "Look whose talking." He could see now this was all a small game to Flippy. Nutty stood and backed away from Flippy. "Your psychotic!"

I try as much as possible to keep our friendship intact.

Flippy stood as well. He looked at Nutty with widened eyes. "I.. I don't wanna be your friend anymore. Your too dangerous." With that, Flippy snapped. He frowned again and clenched the knife that was still in his hand. "What!? After all I've done for you!?" He walked up to Nutty who continued to back away. "No, no, no, no, NO!" He ran towards Nutty who began running away.

This isn't how it was suppose to be.

Nutty felt Flippy grab him and pull him back. He tryed with all his might to pull his hand out of Flippy's grip. He had never cried as hard as he was right now. "Tomorrow is another day." He heard Flippy say before he was yanked over to him.

You'll remember I am your only friend. You'll forget this whole day. We'll be friends again. Just like we were. Just like we are.

Nutty paused. Flippy was hugged him. It was silent. "It'll be ok." Flippy muttered. The two fell to their knees. Nutty cried silently his eyes wide. Flippy released him from the hug and gently laid Nutty down on the ground. He looked down at himself. The knife was buried into his stomach. He looked up at Flippy who sat beside him smiling kindly down at him. Tears were in his eyes too. "I'll stay with you until your eyes close and even then. That's what friends do.." Nutty spat up blood as Flippy removed the knife from his stomach. He couldn't say a word back to Flippy. All he could do was lay there, cry silently and wait to die. As he waited to die, all he could see was Flippy's face. Even though he just murdered him. He could still see the sadness and guilt in his face. His friend had put his head in his lap and was cradling his head. Before Nutty completely faded off into the darkness, he touched Flippy's hand. Flippy looked at Nutty once again surprised. When Nutty's hand fell, Flippy picked it back up and held on to it tight.

I changed my mind. I want you to remember this. Only the good that happened today. Don't forget. Please don't. Because is you do...

It may be the end.

That night, Flippy snuck Nutty to his house and placed him in his bed. After doing so he went home and locked himself in his room, the knife still in his hands. "We will see each other at the same time next week. Don't forget about the good..."

But the next week, Nutty only remembered the bad...

A past chapter..

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