The Guilt

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"What the hell are you guys doing?!" Flippy and Splendid turned to see Giggles accompanied by Flaky. Splendid took a step way from Flippy. "Are you already starting fights Flippy?!" Giggles frowned at him excepting him to of attacked Splendid. Flippy narrowed his eyes at her. "I didn't start a thing! This guy just came out of nowhere and punched me! I didn't even know him!" Giggles turned her gazed to Splendid only to see him turning around and leaving. "Where are you go-"
Splendid just waved goodbye. No one bothered going after him. It was best to leave him alone for now. She'd speak to him later.

Giggles stared at Flippy waiting for an explanation. Flaky stayed quiet and hidden behind her. "What's going on?" She asked with an eyebrow raised, a bit pissed off. Flippy sighed. He didn't want to tell Giggles why Splendid attacked him or what happened two weeks ago, and he wasn't going to. For all he knew, she might start hating him as well. He shrugged in response. "Nothing really important. He was just mad about something that happened to him and I guess I used the wrong words t-" Giggles walked up and thumped his forehead. "Well be more careful! We don't need unnecessary fights going on around the school because of your choice of words." That ended a bit too quickly and too easily. Did Giggles really believe that just like that? Flippy held and rubbed his forehead. It was surprising how easily he convinced Giggles. Usually it wouldn't be.
She sighed. "Flippy if something is wrong just tell me, ok?" He looked at her. Flippy did even notice his gaze was elsewhere. "What are you talking about?"
"Your frowning a lot more than usual, starting fights-"

"I didn't start it and there wasn't a real fight." He interrupted. "Well you were involved and I'm pretty sure if I hadn't arrived, one would of." There was silence for a moment. She rolled her eyes. "Your almost acting as bad as Nutty right now." Flippy seem to of tensed a bit at him name. "What? What's up with Nutty?" He asked her and she pouted slightly looking down. "He use to be so...energetic and smiling all the time but, now it's like he a completely different person. He pouts a lot, he doesn't talk much anymore... He says he's fine but we all know he's lying.... Everyone's really worried about him, ya know?" Flippy knew exactly why Nutty's been acting so strangely. It was no mystery to him. Knowing how Nutty's really doing now is making him feel even worse. How could he let himself just... do something like that?! Especially to someone so important to him! He was still mad at himself.

"Oh, hey. What are you doing here?" Nutty said a bit surprised by the person who just randomly walked up to him as he was leaving the school. "Hey Nutty! Remember when I asked if I could come over? I would like to do that now." Splendid smiled kindly. Nutty's eyes widened a bit shocked he choose now to come over. "Uh..ok..but are you sure you want to come over now? It's..not even the weekend." Splendid nodded.

The two made it over to Nutty's house. "Ah, you still live in such a nice place." Splendid chuckled and Nutty smiled a little. "Thanks, we never moved out of here. The place holds a lot of good memories." The blue hair boy nodded in understanding. "Do you still live with your brother, Mad?" Nutty shrugged as he sat down on his couch and began removing his shoes. "He comes by here sometimes. Most of his things are still here in his room but, he's always out working somewhere a bit far from here and I rarely see him anymore. He hasn't officially moved out. But, in a way to me I live alone."
"Is your mother dead?" Splendid sat down next to him. Nutty shook his head. "She's an asylum patient. She's at the one my brother works at. I was there too for a while but, I got out." Splendid nodded once again. He looked at Nutty who was frowning and glaring at his shoes. He wore a concentrated expression upon his face. "Sorry if I'm asking to many personal questions. I just wanted to know what was going on with you and your family while I was gone for so long." Nutty turned to him and smiled the smile that everyone missed seeing on him. "It's alright. I'm glad you asked about it and remembered so much,  like my brother's name." Splendid smiled again. "Heh, of course. I've been wanting to see you again for so long Nutty!" Splendid suddenly grabbed both of Nutty's hands causing Nutty's eyes to widen again. "It's been way too long. I know we were just kids back then but, you've always been so dear to me!" "I..I.." Nutty began blushing. He suddenly felt his head spinning like he about to pass out.

"Dammit, now I feel even more like shit.." Flippy ran a hand through his hair. All that Splendid had told him really messed him up worse. He already felt like a real ass, no worse than that. He felt way worse than that. He was a rapist now. Not only was he a murderer but, a rapist too. Flippy sat on his bed, holding a fistfull of hair in his hands. One thing about it from what he remembers is how good it felt to do so. How it felt to fuck Nutty and having him begging for him to stop turning him on. He was disgusting. He was sick. Just as that guy said to him. He was really sick.

He didn't deserve Nutty. One thing he did deserve was the punch in the face. If that blue haired guy decide to come back again and punch him again, he wouldn't stop him at all. He wouldn't even fight back. Nutty is doing a lot worse than he was right now he knew. Flippy lowered his hands but stared at the ground. Even though he knew he didn't deserve Nutty and even though all this had happened, he still wanted him. He couldn't give up on him, no matter how much he thought about it. He would just have to keep himself under control. No blackouts. He didn't want to hurt Nutty anymore. It was decided...

He'd talk to Nutty tomorrow,
No matter what.

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