We Are Rivals

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The next day it rained. It was raining the entire school day. The rain poured down hard from the sky. It felt like hail without the pain. In that rain was Nutty. He sat down in the grass at the park getting soaked. He didn't mind getting wet. At the moment it felt pretty good. He was cold of course but somehow it kept his mind at ease. He use to do this when he was younger to clear his mind and in the end he always ended up with a cold. Nutty sneezed. Yep, he was already developing a cold but even though, he didn't make a move to get up. He stayed there staring up at the sky as the rain dropped onto his face. It was the afternoon. Probably around 5 but, the sky was dark as if it was pass 8. His usually messy hair was now straight and his bangs stuck to his face. It was a little hard to see or even hear anything through all the rain pouring down and striking the ground and any other objects.

Nutty sighed. It was nice to be alone like this sometimes. Out of nowhere, he felt a something get placed onto his head. Someone was behind him. "Why are you out here like this? Your going to get sick." Nutty turned around in shock to see Flippy there. Flippy of course expected Nutty to try and run away from him but he didn't. He just turned back around and said, "I know." It was obvious Nutty was still uneasy by Flippy's presence. He sighed and sat next to Nutty. Before he could say a word, Nutty spoke. "You wanted to talk to me." Flippy paused for a moment before nodding. Nutty said quiet and looked away from the green haired guy beside him.

"Nutty...I really do feel awful for..doing such things to you. I really never did want to hurt you. I don't know what happened.." He pouted slightly. "Why did you do it then? I've never done anything wrong to you.." Nutty could feel himself tearing up thinking back at that night. "No, you haven't bu-"
"We're you just trying to humiliate me?" Flippy saw Nutty wipe his eyes. Although he couldn't see it, he knew Nutty was crying. "No, no! I...Nutty..." He raised his hand to touch him but refrained from it. He sighed. "I really am sorry. Ever since then I've been wanting to kill myself for doing this to you and putting you through all of this. I didn't know what came over me that night. I didn't remember a thing after the day you helped me out at school." Nutty glanced at him. "I had blacked-out but began remembering everything. When I did, you don't know how crappy I felt afterwards. It hurt me to see you run away from me again like I was some kind of monster which I guess I really am. I knew I had fucked up. I had never cried about anything but, I did when I saw how you began reacting to me the same way you did when you said you were afraid of me. I tried so hard to get close to you again and I fucked it all up in the end..." Flippy covered his face with his hand and gave a deep breath.

Nutty was turned towards Flippy. He had no idea Flippy felt this bad about it. Cuddles told him Flippy cried but, he found that hard to believe. No one thought that Flippy cried ever. He looked so pitiful. Nutty began to believe Flippy really did feel terrible for what he did.

"Nutty, I love you"

The harshly spoken words came to Nutty's mind. Did Flippy really feel that way about him? He told him that the day...that happened. Did Flippy really feel that way? Nutty stared at Flippy for a while who had his face buried in his hands. He wasn't crying or at leadt trying not to. The rain was pouring down harder. Nutty leaned over to Flippy and touched his back. Flippy sat up and looked at Nutty. Nutty kissed him on the cheek.

Flippy's eyes widened at Nutty's actions. He saw a faint blush form across the green/blonde's noes. He wasn't looking at him but away in embarrassment. "I accept your apology..." Nutty mumbled. Flippy smiled and quickly hugged Nutty. He didn't move a muscle at first but hugged him back soon enough. A loud noise boomed from the sky above and quick flashes of light traveled through it. It was not only raining, but now it was storming. Flippy let go of Nutty, stood up and helped him up. "We better go right now." Nutty nodded and sneezed again. Flippy took off his jacket and wrapped in around Nutty. It wasn't much but it would have to do. He was in short sleeves and was cold immediately after giving his jacket away but he didn't care. "See, your already sick now." He said guiding Nutty home.

Nutty quickly opened the door to his house and the two hurried inside. They were completely soaked and dripped water all over the floor. "Thanks.." Nutty said and Flippy grinned. "No problem by the way you should lock your doors. It's not a good idea to leave them unlocked." Nutty only shrugged.

"Well, I better getting home." He was surprised to hear Flippy say that. "In the storm?!" He looked at him like he was a madman. Flippy shrugged. Nutty shook his head. "No, stay here until it at least lightens up." Flippy was about to refuse but Nutty sneezing stopped him. "Hm? I guess I have to stay for a while. Your sick." Nutty said nothing as Flippy took him upstairs and pushed him into his room. He stared back at Flippy. "Take off your clothes." That was an awkward silence as an frightened look was given to him. "Oh, sorry. I-I didn't mean it like that...just..ah, do it. I'm leaving you alone to do so..." With that, Flippy closed the door leaving Nutty alone to undress.

Flippy came back to Nutty's door and knocked on it saying, "Alright, I got your bath ready for you. I'm going back downstairs so you can go to the bathroom." He left. Nutty was really confused. Why was Flippy being so...nice. Well, he wasn't mean, but it was just strange at the moment with all that just happen. He opened his door and peeked out to make sure Flippy was gone before making his way to the bathroom.

"You also made soup?" Nutty was very surprised with what Flippy was doing for him. He guess Flippy must of felt so guilty about everything that happened that he felt like he owed it to him. It was nice of him though. Flippy nodded and scratched the back of his head. Nutty could easily tell Flippy had never done this before. "Thank you." He said to Flippy before talking a bit of it. Nutty bowed his head and closed his eyes not wanting Flippy to see his face. The soup was awful. Why didn't he just use some from the can?! That's right, he didn't have any. "I know it may be a bit bitter, but trust me it'll make you feel better." Nutty just nodded forcing himself to swallow the terrible tasting soup.

Flippy watched Nutty's sleeping form in his bed. He smiled at him. He was finally getting were he wanted with Nutty. He took the empty bowl from next to his bed and left.

Flippy woke up and stretched out. It was morning and he slept on the couch. He stood up and looked around noticing he was in someone else's house, Nutty's house. Memories of yesterday filled his mind and he smiled again. He made his way up to Nutty's room and found him still asleep. Flippy spotted his phone on the ground slightly under his bed and picked it up. It was on meaning he either had a call or a message. Flippy picked it up and saw it was messages. Curiosity got the best of him and he began snooping. He frowned when he say the messages were mainly from Splendid asking if he was alright and where was he. It was 11:36am so they definitely were late for school, but Nutty was sick so he decided to miss school. It wasn't the first time he missed out on school. Flippy deleted Splendid's messages and sat the phone back down on the floor. That dude was already pissing him off and he hardly knew the guy. Not to long after checking up on Nutty, there was aknock on the door.

Flippy opened the door to see the last person he wanted to see at the moment. "Aren't you suppose to be at school?" Flippy asked frowning. "Aren't you?" Splendid frowned back. Just as Flippy opened his mouth, Splendid tackled him. "Where the hell is Nutty!? What did you do this time!?" Flippy blocked the fist that tried to connect to his face. "Nothing! He was sick! I'm talking care of him!" Flippy shouted at him pushing him off. The two stood face to face glaring at each other. "Why do you care so much anyway?" Flippy asked in a low intimidating voice. It wasn't working on the masked male.
"Because I have feelings for him of course."

/For everyone who said they loved my story I bring you this chapter! Don't worry, this story isn't even close to finished! There is a lot more to come!/

(I also decided to realease this chapter a bit early...)

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