The begining of YOU and I

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Title: ~ONLY ONE~


~Hey guys... here we go... The starting of my story... Sorry if this will bored you... I just want to right the thing that was bugging my mind... This is not that good... Cause I never think of the main story... I'll wrote/type everything my mind tells me... :))) Well... Hope you all enjoy... :)~



 This story starts at LA... Min Hae and his brother Kim Kibum lives there... They both live to understand their life peacefully... They understand each other cause their parents weren't there to support and care for them... They have the things they want without asking to their parents cause Kibum has a job and Min hae supports him... Kibum loves her sister... he never bossed her around... They were helping each other to live peacefully...

Well... Let's start this one at their school...



Tss... Another day at school... Another chaos... I hate being chase by girls but I love it when I play with them... But I can;t do it any more because of Min hae... I understand her but why won;t she let me... I don't have a permanent Girlfriend so why won't I??

I saw a new girl here at school... She's pretty and kinda sexy... I like her... I talked to her... "Hey beautiful... How's your day here in your new school? Im Kibum..."  I introduced my self...And then I stared at her... " Im Samantha..." She smiled at me... I asked her out on a date... Well not a real date... I just want this girl to fall for me... She agreed!  Well... I'll have a wonderful evening tonight!

We are having a good time but then... Min hae came and she dragged me...



Im hidding at the hallway and I saw my brother talking to the new student... I can feel that he'll ask that girl on a date that's why I dragged him away...

"Hey... Look... im sorry... I can't control it..."  I stared at him madly... He tried to stop me from staring at him... But I keep on staring at him... I know he can't resist it... So I continued...

He sigh deeply... "Okay fine... I'll cancel it... I promise i'll Never do it again..."  After he said it... I asked him if he swear... Well he raised his hands and he said that he do swear...

We did what we do best to cancel his stupid date... I will pretend to be his Girlfriend... Ahahaa... Isn't it funny... We go back at the place he left the girl... He told the girl that he have to cancel the date cause his GF knew about it...

It worked... Well.. The girl asked him who's his GF... I came out... then I wrap my arms to his arm... "Yes?? You called me??"  The girl was shocked and then she run away...

Whoa! Am I that bad... Tsss... If it wasn;t for my stupid brother's sake... I won't do it... Im a good girl! hmmmppp... Well... Kibum laughed of how I acted a while ago... He's teasing me cause I wrapped my arms around him... Well... Who cares?? He's my brother...

Well... We were about to go to the cafeteria... But then I saw someone comming at me... I immediately removed my arms from Kibum and then i walked away...



Im confused... Why did Min hae removed her arms?? Is she in trouble or something?? Is ther someone watching her?? Well... All of my questions were answered when my batchmate and co-members soohyun, Kiseop and Eli came...

Now I know why she left... Ahahaha... A big secret of hers... Well... She's a girl but a different one... She do acts like a bad girl... But only... When it's for my sake... You know... I sometimes think that she's my noona because... Instead of me keeping her away from doing bad things... She's the one who's doing it for me... Weird right??

She's a sweet, loving, caring and cute sister... No wonder many boys chase after her... Just like me! ahahaha... I just don't get it... There were many boys who wants to be her Boyfriend... But she still loves someone that is for sure she'll never experience having a relationship with... Cause I can feel that he doesn't have any feelings for her... Even a single bit... 

I love my little sister... So Im trying my best to help her find someone who really do loves her... Someone she will like too... Min hae doesn't deserve a Fake...

Im starring at my little sis that time... And then Soohyun tapped my shoulders... "Hey Bro... What's the Matter??" Kiseop asked me... I just shoocked my head and continue my walking...

They followed me at the cafeteria and then we ate together... I saw Min Hae sitting with her friends... Well... I dissapoint her again... I didn't do my promise to her... I'll think of a plan on how I can make it up to her...

I don't want to dissapoint her... But I did... So I'll make it up to her...



NOTE: Sorry if it sucks... :))

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