You'll Always be my Baby...

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Chapter 21:


By the time I went down from the car... I smiled widely... I ner Imained that he'll say that Im beautiful... I hope I'll pass on Eli's eyes...

Aigooooo.. >.<

What talking about?!!! Yah MInhae! Wake up! Eli has a girlfriend already!!!


I want to back out.... I feel Im an outcaster.... *sigh*

Good thing Jaejoong oppa say that wonderful words.... That gave me lots of courage to face other people without make up....

Im now regreting about the part that I let him go.... :(

I did tried to love him... But---- I don't know... Eli kept on fitting himself inside my heart.... T.T

Huhuhuhuhuhuhu... I think Im going to be an old lady without a man on her life!!!!!!!!! T.T

I entered the hotel.... And yeah... It's huge and big... I looked around the wonderful place... Then someone approuched me....

"Hey Minhae!!!!" Whew......

"Ohhh! hey Kiseop oppa!..." I said with a smile on my face... He bow in front of me... O.O

"Can I escort the beautiful princess INside???"  Whoa...> I hope I didn't blush!! :">

He offered me his hands.... I giggled... "Sure oppa... Thanks...: I said as I put my hands in his... Then we walked to the hall together...'

Waaahhhh! he's the 2nd person who told me that Im beautiful!! Im so happy!!!

There... We Finally arrived... Wow.... I see lots of people! Hahhaha!!!

He brought me to a table... Where... OMO!!! All the ukiss members were here... And Also ---- Om!! he's so handsome.... ELI OPPA!!!!!!! +">

Kibum oppa didn't want to come... Cause ... You know... He's with Aesook unnie.... Hihihihihi....

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