~Should I be Happy or not??~

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After that thing happened... I just slept beside her... I don't know... I guess im really tired and sleepy that why i laid beside her... Besides... That's my bed ya know... I can sleep thei when ever I want... Now I really hate myself for quarrelling her the first day we met... I didn't notice how great it is to be with her... She's a great woman... All the characteristics a man's looking can be seen at her... I envy his boyfriend... IF SHE HAS! I hope she doesn't have so after we can adjust a little... I can confess... 

But I think what Im feeling right now is just a puppy love... Maybe after months it'll fade away...

Well... after a couple of hour... I stood up and went to Min hae's room... i continued my sleep their so she can sleep freely... Since it's a little dark outside... I think she'll never be awaken till morning... I kissed her cheeks before I left her... Then I brought with me my favorite pillow...


The truth is... Im not sleep that time... Im half way to sleep but afetr knewing that me and Mr. Nag A Lot fell... I acted that Im asleep... I heared everything he said and Im so happy knowing that the guy I like likes me back... *sigh*

If only im single... I can do anything I want, I can be with anybody I want to be.... i can love whoever I love... Aigoo... This is so annoying.... Knowing that he likes me, makes me think about him more... OMO! Maybe my little crush can turn into--- NO! NO No NO! Aigoo... Breath in breath out... Cool... I'll just go to the kitchen To eat... And then I'll forget about it...

I went to the kitchen to fetch something to drink and eat and then I recieve a call from Min Hae..."Hey Min Hae, What's the problem???" I asked... "hey unnie... Im on my way home...  Tell Kibum oppa that Im sorry if I went home late Arraso???" She glumly answered me..."Ohhh... Ok dongsaeng... take care... But where's Jaejoong???"  I curiously asked..."Hmm... He went back to korea unnie..."  She answered me... But then I just asked her to be careful and then I hang up...

Poor dongsaeng... She's been left by her own boyfriend... Oh well... 

BUT WAIT! What if something might happen to her??! Aigoo... Who should I call??? Kibum's asleep, Jaejoong's out of the country!! AIGOOOOO!!*The rain poured really hard*

OMO! My poor dongsaeng! Who should I call?!

Im a little confused that time...! I don;t know who to call... I run to Kibum... I tried to wake him up... but he's sleeping really hard... "YAH! Kibum-ah! Wake up!"  I shouted... he just covered his face with his pillow...  I held his hand and pulled him up... But instead of bringing him up... he dragged me all the way to the bed and then he cuddled me like his big bear... "Oppa! This is not the time to play jokes... Dongsaeng really needs to be fetch... She's walking alone she---"  Before finishing my sentence he cuddled me tightly... 'Shhh... be quiet... I want to sleep... i already called Eli... Don't worry... She's in a right hand... Now... Sleep with me ne??"  He said then he closed his eyes while cuddling me... I pushed him so I can stood up but his cuddle is so tight... What Is he planning to do...?! I don't know If i should be happy or not?! Aigoo!

I struggeled but nothing'ss working!! Aigoo...! I heared my phone ringing but i can't get it...


Aigoo... Im calling my unnie but she's not answering... Aigoo... Good thing im walking near the waiting shed... I stayed there for a while... How am i suppose to go home?! "Unnie! Answer my call!! Aigoo... What are they doing there?! How am I suppose to go home?!"  I exclaimed..."Need a little help???"  a familliar voice asked me... I didn't think it was him... I slowly looked at that person... And I was right... it's him... It's.. It's it's...

IT'S ELI KIM! but what is he doing here??? "Hey... Ms. Kim... Do you need any help???" He Asked me... But Im a little stubborn... "No thanks... I'll be waiting for my brother here..."  I said then I sat at the vacant chair... "Ohhh... Ok... I'll go now... Be carefull... Drunk guys may come near you..." He said then He looked at the other side... There's a group of men drinking... My eyes widden... And I immediately stood up... "Hey Wait... I guess I need a little help..." I said... "Okay... let's go then..." He said then I run unto him and we walked together... 

The wind is kinda strong and the umbrella were using was broken... "Yah! How are we suppose to get home???" I said... We're already wet... But he laughed hard... " ahaha...! we'll be going home by walking but this time... Think that you have an umbrella...!"  

After he stated that... I Immitated a girl who's holding an umbrella and then I possed... We both laugh... "We have to get you home now... You might get sick..."   He said... "But how are we suppose to get there??? The rain is so hard and their's no taxi going near..."  I told him... We both have no idea...

"I got an Idea... You want to stay at my house for a while???"  He asked me... I think for a while but a loud thunder and lighting suddenly appear... "Ne! It's fine with me"  I said then he held my hand and he draaged me...

~End of chapter 12

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