A new life.

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*hey guys, so this is a story I've been working on and I've decided to upload it here(besides fanfiction.net). Please let me know what you guys think :)

*2years ago* Mikhaela's POV.

"Thanks you guys, you saved our lives." I said, looking up at the two guys who had saved me and my mum from becoming vampire food.

"Its kind of what we do." Dean replied.

"Anyway, we have to hit the road. You and your mum take care okay?"Sam said.

"We will. Will I see you guys again?" I asked.

"Maybe some time. Just call us if anything else happens." Dean said while giving me a hug. Then he tried to ruffle my hair but I batted his hand away. I hated it when he did that. He chuckled.

I stepped back and gave Sam a hug. Boy, he was really tall. My head just barely reached his shoulder. Even though they were here for only a week, they already treated me like I was their little sister or something.

I waved as they got in their Impala and drove off.

*Present day*

I had just woken up. I checked my bedside clock and saw that it was four in the morning. I heard a noise coming from somewhere outside my room. I held my breath to hear more and heard a loud thud.

I at once reached under my bed and as quietly as I could, reached out and took out the jar of dead mans blood and syringe I had under there. I'm not a hunter or anything like that. Its just, after that vampire had tried to attacked me and my mum a couple of years ago, I thought it best to be prepared. Paranoid more like it. But anyway, I unscrewed the lid, dipped the syringe in it and pulled up the plunger. If it wasn't a vampire I heard and was just my mum in the kitchen, well...then I sure had some explaining to do.

I crossed over to the door and opened it silently. I listened and realised the sounds were coming from my mums room. I went to her room door and opened it slowly. I saw a figure hunched over her bed. I have no idea how but I knew it was a vampire from the way it was bending over the bed.

I crept up behind it and was going to stick the syringe in its neck when it heard me. It turned around sharply and knocked the syringe out of my hand. So much for the quiet approach. The amount of curse words that were going on in my head at that moment was unimaginable for a sweet sixteen year old teenage girl like me.

I dived for the syringe and managed to grab it before the vamp dragged me backwards by my legs. It was exactly how it was like in the movies. I kicked up at it and hit it in its groin. It doubled over and I jumped up and stabbed it with the syringe as hard as I could and pushed down on the plunger.

That was when I realised it was a guy vampire. He wasn't that good looking, so much for the twilight theory that all vampires were amazingly good looking. He looked at me with this shocked expression, as if he couldn't believe I just did that before collapsing. Guess the dead mans blood did the trick.

I walked over to my mum to see if she was okay and that was when I froze.

She wasn't moving and there was a dark colored liquid all over the bed. I didn't want to switch on the light because I knew I couldn't face whatever state she was in. I reached out and checked for a pulse.

No pulse. Her body was cold. She was dead. Dead. I didn't move for a minute. Just trying to process this what had happened. My body felt cold. She was dead. My mum, who had been the only one I could trust and who had been there for me all this while. I could have saved her if I was faster. If I had woken up earlier. Dead. Dead. Dead. The word 'dead' just kept repeating itself in my head. Over and over again.

I snapped out of the shock and felt anger. Anger at the vampire. Anger at myself for not being there in time. I knew someone had to pay and I needed to unleash this newfound anger I felt. I walked away from the bed and towards the vampire. I could kill him right now, while he was knocked out. No, that would be too easy. He should have to suffer for as long as possible before dying. I dragged him out of the room and propped him up on a chair. I put his hands, palms down on the table and tightly bound his legs and hands so he couldn't go anywhere. I threw water on him and kept slapping him lightly until he woke up. Okay well, maybe not so lightly.

He woke up and blinked a few times. Then he looked at me and then looked down at his bound hands and feet. He laughed.

"Little girl going to kill me because I killed mummy?" He said in a mock baby voice.

I looked him straight in the eye and said, "When I'm done with you, you'll wish you were dead."

I walked to my room without saying another word and grabbed the jar of dead mans blood. I went to the kitchen and grabbed the sharpest knife I could find. I went over to the table and put those down. I dragged a chair and sat next to him. I silently picked up the jar and dipped the knife into it. I then looked him straight in the eye and sliced open his arm.

He screamed out loud. "ARGHHHHH! When I'm untied, I'm going to have so much fun tearing you up, piece by piece. And then when I'm done, I'm going to suck all your blood out of your cold, lifeless corpse." He spat at me.

"We'll see about that." I said while slicing into his arm again. I think I cut his arm about twenty times when I heard someone behind me. Before I could turn around, I felt a sharp pain to the side of my head, before blacking out.

*Dont worry, sam and dean come back into the story soon. Please let me know what you think :)

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