Chapter 5: Flashback Part I

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"Shit, Melissa, I better go. My mum's going to kill me. I hadn't realised it was this late." I say, looking at my watch. It was already 7 in the evening and it was dark outside. I was supposed to be back by 6.

"Okay well, its already dark outside and it takes about 10 minutes for you to walk back to your house. Are you sure you don't want my mum to send you back?" She says with a concerned expression.

"Thanks but she's really busy and I don't want to trouble her." I say.

"Then let me walk you back, I need the exercise anyway." She says.

I look at her skinny, 5'5 frame. You could say she's got the body every guy wants. Skinny, huge boobs and petite. Unlike me with my 5'7 height and barely B cup. Compared to her I felt huge and awkward. Most people would assume she's a bitch at first sight, but once you get to know her, she's really nice and is a good laugh.

"If you exercise anymore, you're just going to dissapear into thin air." I say, while putting my stuff into my bag. I sling it over my shoulder. We had been doing homework. Well, that and messing around on her laptop.

"Very funny. Anyway, call me when you reach home and try not to get kidnapped." She says.

"I'll try my best. Bye" I said rolling my eyes while walking out of her room.


I walk down the stairs and exit the front door. I walk down the driveway and start walking on the sidewalk towards my house. The street was empty and there were no cars or pedestrians. Isn't this the perfect scene for a slasher film. I heard some leaves crunch behind me. I stopped and turned around. No one. Stop it Mikhaela, you're scaring yourself. I turn back in front and continue walking.

As I was coming up to this alley, I heard a scream that was cut off coming from it. It sounded like a man. I ran towards the alley, not thinking. I mean, what would I even do when I got there? I entered the alley and saw two figures against the wall. No, the taller one was holding the other against the wall.

As I looked closer, the taller one seemed to be doing something. It had its mouth against the other guys neck. I took a step back and accidentally stepped on a branch. Of course that would happen. It snapped and the tall figure snapped its head around to me. It dropped the other guy and turned its whole body towards me. It took a step towards me and the light from the streetlight above lit up its face.

It was clearly a male, with blond hair. As I looked closer I realised he had blood all over his mouth and as he smiled at me, I could see he's teeth. Oh my god. They was a row of razor sharp fangs.

I was completely frozen. My heart was pumping wildly in my chest. I had never been that scared in my entire life. All of a sudden I snapped out of it and realised I should run. Run as fast as I could. I turned around and ran into a wall and fell down.

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