Chapter 7: Flashback Part III

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"Okay, so this is the knife we'll give to you. It's pretty light but sharp so it's easy for you to use and can cut deeply." Sam said, passing me a knife, handle first. It felt really comfortable in my hand.

He spent the next two hours teaching me how to use it and basic self defense. It was really tiring. By the time he was done, I was covered in sweat. Dean had gone out to get some burgers and beer, coke for me. We sat down on the beds exhausted. Well, me anyway. Sam barely broke a sweat.

"So what's the deal between you and Dean?" I asked Sam.

"What?" He said, slightly taken aback by the sudden question.

"I can see that there's a lot of tension between the both of you."

"Oh, it's nothing." He said, clenching his jaw slightly.

"Sorry I asked. I know I should mind my own business and all that."

"No, its not that. Its just.....the whole situation right now is pretty messed up." He said.

"Well, you can tell me about it if you want. I can handle messed up."

"There are some really.....hard decisions we're facing right now. Big decisions that could change everything." He said softly.

"What kind of decisions?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me."

"Okay well, it has something to do with Lucifer and Michael."

"As in the devil and the archangel?"

"Well, Lucifer isn't really a devil. He's a fallen angel."

"Okay, what does this have to do with you and Dean?"

"I should explain from the beginning. Angels are real. Angels can sort of posses people but only certain 'chosen' people and those people are called that angels vessel. The angels needs their vessels permission in order to posses them."

"Okay..." I say, trying to take it all in.

"Well, long story short, I'm Lucifer's vessel and Dean is Michael's vessel."

"Why were you both chosen and why do they need a vessel?" I asked, just going with it.

"Honestly, it goes way, way back. It'll take me a whole day to explain it to you. But the reason they need a vessel is because it's their destiny to fight each other. And their fighting will bring about the apocalypse."

"Woah, hold up. Apocalypse?" I wasn't sure if he was kidding or not.

"Yeah." He said, dead serious.

"Okay. But Lucifer needs your permission right?"


"Then can't you just say no?"

"It's not that easy. There are a lot of....complications."

I cast him a worried look.

"Don't worry about it. Me and Dean have been through a bunch of things worse than this. We can handle a little apocalypse." He tried to assure me with a smile.

"Yeah, okay." I said. I was going to press on but just then, Dean entered with the food. I could sense that Sam didn't want to talk about it in front of Dean so I just dropped it.

Dean passed me a cheese burger and I ate hungrily, I hadn't realised how hungry I was.

"Okay, I think she's able to fend off a vamp for about an hour or two." Sam told Dean after we were all done eating.


"Yeah, wanna test her?" Sam asked, smiling. He knew that Dean would go easy on me and that I'd use that to my advantage.

"Sure. On Sam's count." Dean said walking over to me. I put the knife down and got ready to use the self defense moves Sam had been teaching me for over an hour.

"Go!" Sam shouted.

Dean lunged towards me and I side stepped him. He may have been bigger, but I was faster. I turned around and grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back, in a painful arm lock.

Dean gasped and called a time out. I let go of his arm. Sam was pissing himself laughing.

Dean rubbed his arm and looked at me. "Not bad, for a teenage girl. But that was because I was going easy on you. And Sam, why did you teach her the arm lock? That won't work that well on a vampire."

Sam gasping for breath and smiling , said, "Because I knew you would test her."

I laughed. "Told you I was a fast learner."

"Okay, that's good enough to keep you alive. I think it's safe to drop you back home now. Don't forget the knife and the jar of dead mans blood." He said, while walking over to the door.

Sam passes me the stuff in a bag and we exit the room. We enter the Impala and Dean starts the car.

After a few minutes, Dean says, "Okay, so me and Sam will park outside your house and keep watch on you throughout the night to make sure there aren't any...unwanted visitors. Then, in the morning, at about 10 we'll give you a call before leaving to hunt the nest so you're prepared. We should be back in at least 4 hours or less. Think you'll be okay?"

"Yeah, I can manage for 4 hours." I say.

The rest of the drive we just talked about random things, like things they hunted like Demons(who knew they were real, but considering the fact angels existed, I wasn't that surprised), how to kill them, trap them and stuff and a bunch of other things about other monsters. We also swapped numbers.

We reached my house and I said bye to them before getting out of the car. I transferred the knife from the bag to the waistband of my jeans, just so I could get to it quicker. I walked up the driveway and unlocked the front door. My mum was in the living room watching tv. I said hi to her and then went straight up to my room. Didn't want her to see the cut on my face. Would be hard to explain that one.

I turned on the lights and locked the door behind me. I walked over to the window and could see Sam and Dean sitting in the Impala across the street. I waved to them to show them I was fine and then I drew my curtains. I took out the dead mans blood and hid it under my bed and put the knife under my pillow. I washed up and went to bed, straight after. I was so tired. It had been a long night.

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