split ways.

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I sat there, hand in hand with Lib, stroking the back of her hand with my thumb as she sipped on her juice box.

she slowly tried to place it back onto the bedside table, her hand shaking a little.

"I got it" I smiled, took the juice box from her and placed it onto the table.

"why are you here, Cal?" she looked at me and sighed.

"because I love you" I smiled down at her.

she looked at me with a blank expression on her face.

"did.. I say something wrong?" I frowned.

"...no. no." she shook her head and smiled.

there was a pause before she said something else.

"you love me" she smiled so much that her cheeks were very puffy, yet cute.

"yeah, I guess I do." I chuckled and lightly kissed the back of her hand.

she looked up at the ceiling, still smiling.

"babe, stop smiling. your cheeks must hurt" I repeatedly poked her her cheek.

she smiled even more which made me smile.

soppy shit here.

"I'm going to go for a cigarette" I got off the bed and kissed in between her eyebrows.

I walked out the room, outside to the smoking area where Michael and Ashton were sat.

Lib had been in the hospital over night and I stayed with her, the boys came over this morning.

Mike looked up at me with his hand on his eyebrows, covering the sun from his eyes.

"how is she, bud?" Mike smiled at me.

"she's better, shaking a little" I said with an unlit cigarette in between my lips, trying to get the lighter out my back pocket.

"that's kinda good, right?" Ash looked at Mike then at me.

I shrugged my shoulders and lit my cigarette up, giving it a big puff.

"I'm just fucking sick of this shit" I blew the smoke out.

"her being sick and in hospital?" Mike sighed and played with the rips on his jeans.

I nodded and sighed.

"I love the girl, I really do. but it's just the same thing over and over again." I dug the tip of my foot into the pebbles.

"she can't help that, bro?" Ash rolled his eyes.

"i know that, but I just don't know what to do.."

"what are you saying? you're gonna break up with her?" I could see Ash getting mad.

"we're not even together, you dick" I frowned at him.

"whatever, cal. I'm not the one who's going to break her heart just because she has a medical condition." Ash spat and walked back into the hospital.

"you understand where I'm coming from, right Mike?" I looked at Mike.

he shook his head and walked in the hospital after Ash.

I sat on the bench and finished my cigarette off. I looked up to see Megan stood there, glaring at me.

"you heard everything didn't you?" I raised my eyebrows at her as she nodded, her arms crossed.

I threw my cigarette on the floor and stood on it.

"you're so selfish and cold hearted, it makes me sick." she harshly spat.


In the end, I ended up speaking to Lib about her health and the situation she's in. we both decided that it would be best if we focused on ourselves for a few months until I got back from tour. she's now safely back home in Sydney. of course I still love her. I never got a I love you back but maybe she's waiting for the right time to say it. I'm happy with the note we ended on and I can focus on myself for a bit and so can she.

|~ AN ~|




how are you all? are any of you guys in love?

short chapter but I have an idea of what umma do next.

Twitter: ayedaryl
Instagram: taylbx

stalk me and love me


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