Chapter -4-

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(I still don't know who should play the role if ari and Hayden, so please comment and help me! :) Btw have fun reading ;P )

I'm surprised. Really surprised. Who could have thought that Hayden Fletcher, the great bad boy, could have such a nice and formal home ? Nop, no one. 

He opens the door, not bothering to wait until I'm in, and goes inside leaving me standing at the front door

"Are you going to stand there for ever or do you want to come in, princess?"  And as he asks me I step inside, only gaping more. Oh my god, he is freaking rich!! This is like a real mension.

I'm standing in the living room. This room alone is bigger than my room and the kitchen together! In front of me is a big flat screen which is hanging on the wall.  Opposite from the tv are three large couches. There are many shelves and cupboards full of pictures, awardes and many other things. Curiosity takes over me and I glance at the pictures. The first one shows a very pretty young women and a man who looks like Hayden holding hands and standing at a great beach. I guess those are his parents. His mom has light brown hair and her curves and her proportion are just right. She wears a turquoise bikini which fit perfectly to her tanned body.  His dad is very tall, and seems well build. He wears swimming trousers and an shirt. The second picture is one of Hayden I assume. But he looks nothing like the hot badass he is now. At this pic he is a cute little boy, who is standing beside his father and smilimg to the camera. His clothes are quite dirty and he olds a football while his father knees beside him and has an arm wrapped around Hayden. He looks so little amd so bright. Nothing compared to now of course because know he just looks kin-

"What are you starring at other people family pictures?"

I am interrupted. I turn around and he is leaning at the door, with only a tower aronud his waist. So he went to shower. His hair is still a little wet and a few drops are falling on his bare chest. My mouth starts watering. Afraid to drool, I wipe my mouth with my sleeve to see if my saliva can be seen. Thank god it's not because that would be far more than embarrasing. He would think that I'm a pervert. And I am NOT! Not at all.

'No, you just can't stop thinking about this persons body, Ari' my inner self talks to me while raising one eyebrow.

"Well? Do I get an answer today or is my hotness distracting you, kitten?" He smirks as if he already won. But I will not let him won so easily.

"Hotness? I was rather disgusted than distracted by what you call your great body. I've seen plenty better than that. And p-u-lease! Drop that "I'm all badass and sexy" shit and tell me this instant why the freaking hell you dragged me to your hell of a mension!!" I nearly scream and have to bite my lip at the end not to start laughing. But because of his priceless expression it's pretty hard not to.

He is speechless, only speechless. He looks at me shocked, eyes and mouth wide open, gaping, and he seems a little taken aback by my outburst. Well, deserved it. Nobody makes me skipping work without getting scared. NOBODY. 

.... Yeaaah right, as if. 

I see Hayden slowly taking little steps towards me. With every step his smirk appears again and his eyes glinting of excitement. I don't like that, I really don't like that

"I have to say, Ari, for a moment I was really surprised that you could talk like that but then I remembered: 1. You're alone with me so you can't scare me.  And 2. You're at MY house so what can you do?". With every word he comes closer until he stands right in front of me, his face only inches apart from mine.

"W-w-what do y-you wan-t?" Damn! My voice is completely shaking.

He snortes out a little laugh and the looks me straight in the eyes.

"What you have to do is pretty simple. And if you won't do it, let's say, it wouldn't end pleasant for you..." He waits. For what. Is he doing this to scare me more? Well, I have to sadly admit that it works.

"What do you want, dammit! Just tell me so I can leave!" I can't wait anymore. What is it that I, a complete nerd, have to do for somebody like him?

"Haha, okay, okay. Chill, tiger." Suddenly his expression changes from amused to serious

"Arianna, what I want you to do is..."


So What Do You Think Arianna Has To Do ???


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THNX To all readers!!! Love you all

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