Chapter - 13 -

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As we entered the room we saw that there were barely a few seats left. Jake pulled me with him and we run to the first seats we fond.

We've been sittin around for almost half an hour but I can't stop thinking about Rider. He just looks so familiar, those doe brown eyes, they were somehow so distracting and I really felt as of I was in a trance when I looked at them. His black hair, not long but also not short, and he was tall, really tall, and even though he was frowning at me, I could see a hint of happiness in his eyes. Again, those eyes, their color and meaning are so familiar, but I can't find our where I've seen them before.

Rider, Rider, Rider Fletcher, Fletcher, oh my god, Fletcher! That's why I was so confused by his name. His surname is Fletcher and he is not the only one I know, Hayden. I can't believe it. But I never knew that he has a brother, or is he his cousin? I don't know, but now that I think about it, they really look a little alike.

"Arianna! What's wrong with you? You are daydreaming nonstop! If you don't feel well, let's just go back and have a movie night at mine?"

Jake looks at me with worry in his eyes. He really is a great friend, and I have to admit that I might have a slight crush for him. Just a slight, not enough to be sure about it, but if Jake asked me out, I'm sure that I would agree immediately, just because I know that I can trust him.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry I just have a few thinks going on, but yeah let's go!" I give him a little smile which he returns.

I didn't lie. It's true, I really have many things in my plate right now. For one, Heathers conditions worsened this week, she always complaints how much her leg hurts and that her eyes burn. We brought her to the hospital and the doc said they have to make A few test to be able to tell us what's wrong with her. And then there still is Hayden. I still said that I would tutor him and tomorrow is our first lesson. I'm afraid, afraid of how he will be once we're alone. I actually considered taking Jake along but then in sure they would get on their throats of they were together in a room. Not only this but he added me in Facebook yesterday- yes even someone unsociable as me has in fact facebook- and told me, I recall :

-"Tomorrw. After school. At mine."-

I don't answer but I think he took that as a yes so let's see what comes out of it.

Not realizing we are already in the car, Jake asks me what to watch and I reply with a shrug and a 'Whatever you want'.

As I look at him I see that his grip on the wheel is so tight, that his knuckles are white.

"Uhm, are you alright?"

"What? Yeah, sure. It's nothing. Everything is alright."

Now that's strange. This is the first time I see Jake so nervous. Normally he is full of confidence.

Let's see.

Parking at his driveway Jake jumps out of the car and runs to my side to open the door for me.

"Oh, thank you, kind sir" I say with a giggle which makes him grin like an idiot. Oh this crazy lovely idiot.

"Why thank you milady". He takes my hand a brings me to his front door. Jake looks at me and asks me why I'm blushing.

I didn't even realize that I'm blushing but I sure know why. This here really feels like a date, but it can't be. He has a girlfriend. And not a 'normal' one at that. I'm pretty sure that if Rachel even thinks that I'm flirting with Jake, she would kill me, instantly.

"I'm not blushing, dumbass. It's just cold." I shiver to make him believe me, which he seems to do. He quickly apologizes, because he thinks it's his fault that I'm freezing, since he still don't open the door.

Once we're in Jake takes my jacket from me and tells me to go to the living room. I get there and sit down on his couch. A few minutes later he comes with two bowls full of popcorn and sits beside me.

"So what should we watch?"

"Well, I don't really know. Just get something you have. I don't really care." I tell him with a small smile.

He gets up and picks something out of the shelf and I see him putting The Grudge' in. ( A/N: That movie is really scary btw)

That's not really good. I hate scary movies. Not because I get scared, but because they are mostly boring.

The film starts and we settle down.

"Just make yourself comfy if you want."

Jake says and suddenly lifts my legs and lays them on his lap. He turns to me and gives me a warm smile which I return with a little laugh. I think I can't say it enough but I really like Jake. I still don't know of I like him as more than just friends but I'm really great to have met him.

Even though my eyes are on the tv my mind is not here. I just can't stop thinking about Jake and Hayden. They are always in my mind and I compare them each time I'm with either of them. They are completely opposites. Jake is nice, caring, sweet and always makes me laughing at his silly jokes.

Hayden is more intimidating, scary, rude and a pervert, and I know that even though I just met him like twice.

If I would have to decide between them I would surely take Jake. But like I said, he is already taken. And that's rally a pity that someone as good as Jake is going out with such a mean girl like Rachel.

I'm suddenly brought back to the present when Jake suddenly stops the movie and looks at me.

"Jake, what's wrong?"

"Ari, I, I have to tell you something. The thing is.. that I, uhm."

"Don't worry Jake. Just tell me, nothing will change our friendship" I reassure him so that he can tell me about his problems.

"The thing is... Rachel and I broke up. I'm single. Since two days to be exact."

Nothing. Really nothing. That's what is in my mind right now. My eyes widen and I can't bring a word out. Jake and Rachel aren't going out anymore?

But more, why is he telling me this?

When I look at him I see that his cheeks are a little red, so he is blushing, but why? Is he sad that they aren't together anymore?

"I'm sorry to hear that Jake... I thought you two were happy."

"Y-you are? I mean, yes. Well, no, we were fighting more than usually and I just thought that it isn't like before anymore. I didn't feel any love. I guess she wasn't the one."

I'm honestly sad about Jake and Rachel breaking up. He seemed so happy with her... But then why do I also have this strange feeling inside me. It seems as of I'm almost... Relieved, that he is available... Wow that just sounded so crazy, but you know what I mean. I can now freely be with him without being afraid of someone doing something very terrible to me. Maybe that's really not so bad. But, I somehow know that this feeling is more than just this.

Could it be that I, I kind of like Jake ? More than friends?

But what's more important... Would he even like me back

Do I have a chance with him? At all?

I don't think so.

Should I at least try ?

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