Chapter - 7 -

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(Have fun reading ;))

This is dedicated to @LiLLyCoOLeSt1 because she helped me with the cover and she is a really nice person!

"I asked what the hell are you doing?"

"I, uhm,I'm standing here in a janitors room with you? Look, I don't know what you're talking about, could you please explain to me as to why I'm here with you again?" I know I shouldn't have said it like that but I can't help it! He frustrates me and my nerves have a limit, too. And he is actually starting to cross that line...

I don't realize that he has me pinned at the wall. Both his hands are on either side of my head.  It's as if he is just leaning at the wall... with me in between of course.

"Oh now you're playing dumb, Kitten?"

"No, actually I'm not playing dumb at all. So would be so kind and enlighten me, so I can understand what you mean and maybe help you, JERK?" I spat at him.

I don't know what it is but he brings the worst out of me. I've never, like NEVER, talked back, especially not lke that. I've never been rude. 

I always was the sweet, quiet girl that never had problems. And now this freakin hot guy, he is actually really attractive, drives me mad! - Stop. Forget the hot part and so please. I meant dumb, yeah I meant he is dumb.

"Ok, how about the fact that I accidently heared you talking with that annoying asshole of Jake Black about tutoring him? You're tutoring me already and by that I mean ONLY me!" he half shouts.

I get angrier and angrier. Who does he think he is commanding me like I'm his B*tch?

"Why do you even care if I'm helping him or not? He needs help and he asked me! That's why I'll help him if you like it or not. You don't have the right to tell me what to do! You're not my father, nor brother, nor boyfriend. Actually you're not even my friend! You forced me into this! You don't care about my opinion at all. For you it's simply 'She does what I say. If not, then I'll make her to, even if it means destroying her.'  And that's simply sick. You know what? You are the kind of guy I despise the most! I wish we never had met at all!!" I take a deep breath.

Oh man, that was an outburst. Like I said, he brings out the worst in me. I have to admit I even feel a little mean. I look at him, his eyes look hurt. But just only for a second. This emotion is soon replaced by rage, which is not good.

Not. Good. At. All.

I realize that our faces are only inches apart. My nose is barely touching his. I feel the heat in my cheeks risen as his breath is fanning my face.

"Wow, Kitten. You're full of surprises. Who could have thought that you're able to scream like that? But did you ever think about anything? If not, listen and listen good.                                                             I'm the bad boy in this school, you know it and everbody else does. So please answer me, if I came to you and said 'Can we talk?' or if I asked you directly about helping me, would you have agreed? Or would you have been scared like everybody else and have run away? Darling, I have the kind of reputation where everybody is afraid of, and if I asked you in public, it would be bad for my status. I mean, they would think something like 'The bad boy needs tutoring and he even wants to? Maybe he is not so frightenig.' and so on. Did you ever think of THAT? What else could I have done to get you to talk to me, huh? I had to take you with me!" now he is the one shouting directly to my face.

I look down.

He is right. He is ABSOLUTELY right. Never in my life would I have agreed on helping him voluntary. Because I'm simply afraid. I guess you have to apologize, Ari, my inner self talks to me.

Ugh, fine.

When I look up, our noses brush against each other. Oh lord, the tension in here is getting higher and higher. I first look at his eyes but I soon recognize that his gaze is stuck on my lips. I bite my bottom lip and he takes a deep breath. My eyes also fall down and look at his lips. 

Hmm, how would they feel against mine. I can almost see his lips moving in sync with mine I can feel his tongue brush my bottom lip and-

'Stop! What are you thinking? Push him away, he is dangerous!' my inner self screams at me.            But no matter what my brain tells me I feel myself lean in as he does too. 

Just as our lips are about to touch he stops and backs away. He averts his eyes and takes a deep breath. I look down, too ashamed of myself that I was about to kiss him, Hayden Fletcher, the one I'm supposed to hate. The one I should hate so much. Yeah, it was just silly to even think about this. 'Come on, Arianna, go away or something bad will happen' my instinct tells me again.

When I'm about to walk away I am being pushed against the wall again. I let out a growl because I hurt my back, but he ignores it completely. Hayden presses his body against mine and takes my face into his hands. 

"Fuck this." he says before crushing my lips with his own.

Oh. My. God.


Hope you guys liked it.

The next chapter will be a bit steamy ;)


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