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Mel: bleh

Lexi: can I change my name back

Mel: hell no

Lexi: shit

Lexi: is it bad that I actually kinda like this name

Mel: no

Lexi: fair enough

Lexi: so is literally everyone here gay

Mel: ya, except Patrick idk about him

Trick: asexual my friend

Ty: im bi

Mel: well there you go

Lexi: damn okay

Lexi: I'm like lowkey gay lowkey not-200%-guy

Mel: that explains why you like the name Lexi

Lexi: k it does

Dal: I'm bach

Dal: *back

Dal: im not the famous composer from the 1800s or whatever

Ty: *1700s

Dal: stfu tyjo

Ty: rude

Mel: I still ship you too

Ty: *two


Ty: :'(

Mel: okay sorry

Dal: it's notp TBH

Mel: lies

Hay: it's otp m80

Ty: you guys disgust me

Lexi: same @ tyj

Mel: tyjo and Alex

Mel: Tyex

Mel: yes

Dal: whelp you guys are officially crazy

Hay: me and Alex

Alex: I agree

Hay: omg

Alex: guys

Alex: it's 4:00 am

Alex: we have to wake up in 2 hours

Alex: oh shit okay everyone sleep gn


"So, this is, um, Alex." Tyler says with a smile while sitting down at the lunch table.

"Oh, hey." Dal says. "Still shorter than me."

"Everyone's shorter than you." Melanie points out.

"Okay true." He says, smiling and biting into an apple.

Patrick and Hayley sit down next to Dallon. Patrick steals a grape from Hayley's lunch bag and pops it into his mouth.

"I still ship you two." Mel says to Ty and Alex.

"I hate you so much." Alex says while rolling his eyes.

"You guys love me and I know it." She says with a big smile.

Dallon looks over and realizes that Brendon, Josh, Jack, Pete, and Ashley are all walking over to them. He tenses up slightly and tries to look somewhat decent, which isn't possible because he's eating an apple and he's really messy.

"Hey, Dallon. Why're you sitting with these losers?" He says, sitting on the table.

"Maybe because they're my friends." Dallon says irritatedly.

"Well you've got some weird friends." Jack says from behind, Alex trying to hide behind Tyler.

"Whatever. At least I'm not a rude bitch that has at least 47 STDs."

"You wanna fuck around with me?" Jack nearly yells.

"Okay, chill dude. You are kind of being an asshole." Brendon says while trying to push Jack away from Dallon.

"Oh my god of course. I'm out." Jack walks away with a red face, most likely heading to the bathrooms to punch the wall.

"Oh my god what an asshole." Mel mumbles.

"Yeah, he acts like that sometimes. Dal, wanna come sit with us?" Brendon says with a smile.

"Nah, I'm here with my friends that aren't total assholes." Dallon says with absolutely no chill.

"Whatever. Cya around." Brendon walks off, dragging his entourage with him.

"You have like, no chill at all." Alex says while coming out from behind Tyler.

"No one insults my friends. Plus, Jack is kind of an asshole."

"I mean, he's got a nice one in bed. I mean what." Alex says blushing.

"I ship it." Mel says quietly.

"You ship everything, Mel." Patrick says, grabbing another grape from Hayley's lunch.

"Well because everyone is cute together." Mel replies defensively.

"It's time to stop, Mel." Ty says.

"Whatever." She says, giggling.

Tag, You're It ⚣ Brallon Where stories live. Discover now