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Alex sits by the bathroom door where Jack and him first met. He gets on his phone and texts the group.

Alex: I'm here, keep an eye out

Mel: I'm in the girls bathroom w/ hay so I can hear everything lol

Dal: me ty and trick are hanging out on the toys

Alex: k cool cya

"Hey babe." Jack comes up to Alex and pins him against the wall. "You want fun tonight?"

"You know I do." Alex whispers back, putting his phone into his pocket. Jack goes in to kiss him, Alex reciprocating that.

"Why don't we go in the stall and do this? Someone could find us." Alex says in between a kiss.

"My place? Parents aren't home." He replies, going in for another kiss. Alex responds with a muffled 'mhm' and smiles, pulling back. Jack grabs his wrist, automatically dominating and pulling him to his car.

Alex looks over to Dallon and the others, giving a nod for them to follow. Dallon pulls out his phone and texts Mel.

Dal: jack's place rn

Mel: copy that

Mel and Hayley hurry out of the bathrooms and to Patrick's car, all of them huddle in and follow Jack's car.

Alex: he's getting suspicious, go a different route at this next turn

Mel: k

"Fucking weirdos. Don't you hang out with them?" Jack mumbles to Alex.

"Yeah. They're so fucking weird." Alex lies. "I don't even know why I talk to them, honestly."

"Hmph. The leader of that group, Dallon, he's a dick head." He looks over to Alex.

"I know right?" He chuckles, running his hand through his hair. Jack pulls up to his house and unlocks the car.

"You ready?"

"Hell yeah." Alex jumps out of the car and meets Jack halfway up the driveway. They immediately lock lips as they're going to the door. Jack opens it and begins to head upstairs.


"They're literally just gonna bang." Dallon says, laughing.

"Hey, we have things to blackmail him with so he won't beat up on you." Tyler says from the back of the car.

"Melanie, can you not dig your elbow into my ribs?" Patrick says sternly, which is very strange for him to do.

"Sorry! There's just no room back here..."

"Come jump on my lap." Hayley says from the front.

"Okay!" Melanie fits through the middle and sits on her lap, Patrick scooting over so he has some room. Dallon looks out the window, noticing a car pulling up the driveway.

"Oh shit guys look." Dallon says loudly, pointing to the car. Melanie and Hayley erupt into laughter and Tyler hides between the front and back seat.

"Should we text Alex?" Patrick suggests.

"Nah, he can jump out the window." Melanie replies quickly. And in that moment, they all see a disturbed Alex run out of the front door, getting his jeans back on as he's running and jumps into the car.

"GO GO GO!" He screams, in which Dallon slams on the gas pedal and speeds away as Jack's dad yells at the top of his lungs from the porch.


"So, you were in the middle of the climax?" Mel says, eating a peach ring candy.

Alex snorts and tries to fix his sex hair. "Uh, yeah. Jack's mom saw my asshole. That was fun."

"You guys are so dumb." Tyler says, sighing.

"But now we have shit against Jack in case he tries to mess around with one of us." Dallon replies.

"Yeah, but was it worth ruining Jack's life?" Patrick says.

"Hell yeah." Hayley smiles. Patrick rolls his eyes.

"Can you guys take me home? I'm getting tired." Tyler speaks up.

"Me too." Patrick says, playing with his hair.

"Yeah, alright." Dallon replies, turning the car on and driving off.


Mel: isn't it Saturday tomorrow?

Dal: yeah lol

Hay: wanna meet at the park? at like 12:30

Dal: sure

Mel: yep

Alex: I'm up for it

Hay: cool I'm gonna go to bed now

Mel: same

Dal: gn

Alex: cya

Dal: so it's just us now

Alex: yeah

Alex: have you ever had sex b4

Dal: no but I wish

Alex: damn you probably should soon

Dal: I'm trying to get Brendon but he's like str8 af

Alex: aw well tagt sucks

Alex: *that

Dal: I guess idk I'm gonna sleep

Alex: k night

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