Chapter 4.3

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We drove, and drove, and drove. Me, still being blindfolded, has no idea where we are going or where we're even at.

"Are we there yet?" I asked.

"No. "

5 minutes later.....

"Are we there yet?"

"Nope. "

5 more minutes later.....

"Are we there-"

"GODDAMMIT NO! SHIT!" He yelled. "Can't take your ass nowhere!"

I giggled at the thought of my irritating him. That's what he gets for blindfolding me. After 20 more minutes of driving.. I think, we finally came to a stop.

"We're here!" He cheered as he unlocked the doors and got out. I sat as I waited for him to open my side.

When he did, the warm breeze whipped past me in a cooling sensation as my hair flew in the same direction it traveled. The smell of saltwater instantly hit me. He sat me on what felt like a bench and removed my shoes. Helping me back up, we began walking.

"Are we at the beach love?" I asked as we walked in what felt like sand under my feet.

"Shh. " He said as we continued to walk. Once we came to a stop, he removed the blindfold. I gasped at what my view.

"OMG!" He squealed.

We were definitely at the beach. But not just any beach. The beach where we first met. The beach where we had our first date. The beach where we shared our first kiss.

There in front of me was a blanket and a picnic basket. In the perfect place with the best view of the ocean without being wetted by the incoming tides.

"You like it?"

"I absolutely love it!" I smiled. I gave him a huge hug, wrapping my legs around his waist. "We haven't been here in forever. "

"I know. I just thought that since I would be gone for so long, we should come here and kind of reminisce. "

I'm glad we came here. We had so many memories. We sat and he opened the picnic basket filled with sandwiches, fruits, and a bottle of wine.

Only Rayan would drink wine with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

"Remember how we met?" He laughed. I laughed also at the memory.

"How could I forget?"

~~~~ Flashback ~~~~

We were college graduates just having fun at the beach. Me and my girls were playing a friendly game of volleyball having fun.

That's until, this group of boys came walking over to us.

"You guys look like you're having fun." One of the boys said.

"We are. " My friend Nakia said to the boy.

"Who's winning?" Another one of the boys asked.

"We are." I said pointing to the girls on my team. And then there he was.


"Oh, but I bet y'all can't beat us. " He smiled at me.

Cocky much? I think so.

"Oh please. What makes you think you can beat us?" I asked.

"Let's play and you'll find out. You ladies versus us men. " He challenged. "Unless you're scared."

"Oh trust me, we aren't scared. " I said with my arms folded across my chest.

I thought he was the finest boy I've ever seen. His hair was wavy and out with a SnapBack on top. He wore a graphic tee and some shorts. He looked pretty good. But I can't let him distract me.

"Alright. Let's play then. " He said backing away with a smile. The boys moved to one side of the volleyball net and use girls were on the other. We started off serving the ball. After a few back and forths, the boys missed the ball and we got the first point.

"Ayyee!" We all cheered.

"That's alright. Y'all got lucky anyways. " Rayan said.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Just give us the ball. " I said. They threw us the ball over the net and one of the girls on my team served it.

The ball went back and forth over the net until coming back to our side. Nakia tried to hit it but missed, causing the ball to hit the ground.

The boys team bursted into roars of cheers as they gave each other dap. I rolled my eyes.

"Y'all still ain't nobody. " I said with attitude.

"Yeah well we will be once we whoop y'all asses. " Rayan laughed. "Let me get warmed up."

Before I knew, Rayan began lifting his shirt over his head showing his perfect body glistening in the son. My eyes widened as my mouth fell ajar. I quickly closed them once I realized I was staring and moved back to my place.

One of the boys teammate served the ball and it went back and forth between us. That is, until Rayan got ahold of the ball. To insure that I would miss it, he purposely hit the ball extra hard in my direction.

I tried to catch it alright but I was so focused on Rayan's abs that I the hit was like an epic fail. BAM! The ball smacked me right in the forehead causing me to fall back from the impact.

~~~~ End of Flashback ~~~~

"Bwahahahahahahaha!!" Rayan laughed. "Yo, that shit was hilarious."

"It wasn't that funny. " I said with a slight attitude at his amusement of my pain.

"Shiddddd! Yes it was!"

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. I swear he laughed at good 20 minutes before finally coming to a complete stop.

"You ready to go babe?" Rayan asked me. I nodded.

"It was fun spending time with you. " I said. "I'm going to miss you. "

"Me too. But it's not like we can't FaceTime or talk on the phone. "

"I know. It just won't feel the same. "

Okay so the next few chapters, time is going to be going pretty fast considering the fact that I have to put the rest of this story in only 4 chapters.

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