tease [3]

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chapter 3

annikas pov.

"remember kids we have a math test today." Ms. Walls says

holy fucking shit NOOOOOO oh my god i didnt study im gonna fail no what the fuck im such an idiot ughh.

she started passing out the tests and i cringed when she put one on my desk.

why must i be such a procrasnator and never study for any of the shit that i do at school? there goes my amazing friday.

"you may begin."

i lift up my pencil and look down at the sheet. oh my lord. this is going to be a long hour.

i set down my pencil. my head is throbbing. i need some water.

i raise my hand and she ignores it. bitch. i keep my hand up and when she doesn't even bother to say anything just roll her eyes i stand up and walk out of the class.

holy hell it was hot in there. i walk down the hall relived to see that its empty and go to the drinking fountains.

i lean down to get a drink and then feel somebody of something slap my ass. i spin around to meet a smirking Jake.

"what the fuck?!" i whisper-yell

"nice ass" he comments and i scowl

"what do you want?"

"hmmm ur phone number?"

"not a chance."

"aww why" he pouts

"im not another one of your hoes" i say and roll my eyes and turn to leave

but he however has other plans because once i take a step i feel a pair of muscular arms wrap around my waist and i groan

"its rude to just walk away from someone when your having a conversation"

i spin around "what do you want jake?" i say crossing my arms over my chest

"you" he whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine

i bite my lip.

suddenly an idea pops into my head

i lean into him and put one hand on his chest i start moving my hand down his chest to his toned stomach

at first he looks surprised but then a devilish smirk dominates his features

my hand reaches his v-line and he has started to loosen his  grip. as soon and im there i pull away and walk down the hall

"tease!" he yells after me and i just continue walking, smiling to myself.


the next chapters rlly fun:))

tease | book 1Where stories live. Discover now