tease [34]

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chapter 34

annika's pov.

"HOLY SHIT ANNIKA!! I CANT BELIVE IT!!" maggie screeches in my ears and i flinch before laughing at her

"same here mags, i cant belive here finally graduating." i say, my voice in awe

"aw its like just yesterday we were freshmen, getting lost trying to find our classes." she sighs as she re-calls our memories and i smile thinking about them too.

"okay students! single file! were going into the auditorium now, and i expect you on your BEST behavior." my principle snaps and everyone silences themselves. he smiles in triumph and watched us all as we shuffle into a line, the whole class of 2016.

"this is so awesome!" maggie whispers in my ear and i nod in agreement, looking at the silky robe of the person in front of me.

suddenly the person turns around and i resist the urge to groan when i see Jake.

"oh hey babe." he says to me and i roll my eyes.

"fuck off you fuckboy. i dont have time for your bullshit. im trying to graduate." i say and he rolls his eyes at me

"your just saying that cause you miss me." be says and i burst out laughing.

"you know, if i wanted to commit suicide id climb up to your ego and jump down to your IQ." i say in a sassy tone before continuing. "plus, were long done. and your the only one that ever brings up our relationship, sooo im thinking that YOUR the one who misses us." i say and he rolls his eyes before turning back around and not saying another word to me.

he pisses me off so much. like he wont leave me alone.

"savage" maggie coughs and i laugh at her

"truuueee" i say and dust my shoulders off.

"okay students, were going in now. please be on your best behavior" the principle says before opening the doors and ushering all the students out.

i couldn't keep the smile off my face, the day was finally here! i was finally graduating!

i tried to push away Jake and I's conversation from earlier. i don't act bothered, i really am. the breakup still hurts me but i try not to show it.

i grew more nervous as each person went, each giving a small speech that i didn't bother to listen to.

soon Jake was going and my ears perked up at his speech 

"fuck you all" he said flipping off the whole crowd who stayed silent with shock while i chuckled

"IM SURE YOU HAVE FUCKED AT LEAST HALF" i yell, loud enough for everyone to hear and once they do, they erupt in laughter while i earn a glare from Jake.

he exits the stage. well more like stomps off and my principle nudges me to go on.

when i get up to the mic i smile big and start talking "first i'd like to say thank you to my mom", i say scanning the crowd for her. "i couldnt have done done any of this without her so, thank you." i give up searching when i know shes not here

"i also want to say thank you to my teach--" i start but then get cut off by a voice on the other side of the stage.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU WHORE NO ONE CARES" they yell and i snap my head to see Jake smirking at me.

i feel humiliated to say at the least, and i begin to regret my decision of yelling iff stage at him. some people start laughing and i run off the stage, not wanting to be further embarrassed.

i slap Jake when i get off the stage and boy, did it feel good.

"fuck you." i snap, quiet enough so the crowd wont hear.

he holds his cheek where i slapped him with all the strength i could muster and glares at me. i wipe away a tear ans sigh before turning to watch Maggie.

he ruined my big day.

the rest of the graduation is a blur and soon Maggie is standing with me outside the airport, hugging me with all her might.

"im gonna miss you" she sobs "so so much" she adds and i cant help but cry, time went by so fast.

"me too. but i have to go! this is where my new life starts. new collage, new apartment, i need to" i say and i see her nod.

"i love you." i say one more time before looking up at the sign above me that in big bold letters says- New York City - 4:35

i take a big breath before climbing onto the plane.

this is the beginning.



the end of the story.

i know you are probably upset with the ending and stuff, lol sorry.

-andrea ❤️

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