tease [26]

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chapter 26

annikas pov.

i shut the warm water off and automatically shivered at the loss of heat.

i stood there for a few seconds before pulling back the curtain and quickly grabbing one of my fluffy, mint green towels.

i grabbed the warm towel around my body and grabbed another one of my towels then wrapped it around my wet hair.

i waled over to the mirror and wiped a circle on the foggy glass so i could see myself; my makeup had washed away revealing a scatter of freckles that i usally cover up with my makeup.

i next grabbed my Aveno lition and applied it all over my face, arma and colorbone, then i put Chapstick on. 

i semi-panicked when i looked around the bathroom to notice that i hadnt brought my cloths with me into the bathroom. So red-faced i exited the bathroom with only a towel covering my body.

I found Jake laying on my bed, phone in hand..shirtless!!

oh god, i think im drooling.

at the sound of the door opening he snapped his head up in my direction and smirked.

"mmm well i had plans for us tonight" he started and looked me up and down, smirking. "but i didnt know it would be this easy." he continued and sat a little then patted on his lap; for ME to sit on.

for a minute i was tempted. 

i finally  found my voice "your right" i said and his face light up like i Christmas tree, "its not that easy" i roll my eyes and spin on my heel to where my closet is.

After shutting and locking the door i stood there a few seconds before switching the lights on and looking around. 

i picked out a gret Calvin Klein sports bra and thong then slipped them on and then put on some grey sweatpants. I walked out of my closet and shut the door and light off beind me. 

i didnt bother to look over at Jake as i strolled over to my desk. I plopped down into my fkuffy desk chair and put on my glasses. i unlocked my computer and started to write an essay i needed to do for school but no matter how much i tried to focus i couldnt stop thinking about the presence behind me.

i peeked behind my shoulder to see Jake scrolling through his phone looking pretty bored. 

i stood up from my criss-crossed position and ran over to my bed and dove on top, right next to Jake. i heard him chuckle beside me and i lift one of my legs up and lay it across his legs, without lifting my head once. 

i felt Jakes warm hands wrap around my waist and him lifting me up until i was straddling him. i blushed at the position and looked down. i grab my glasses and pull them off and throw  them onto the ground. Jake chuckles at my actions causing me to  blush even harder. 

i left my head up to look at him, my cheeks still tinged pink and he doesnt look asumed at all, he looks hungry.

i bite my bottum lip and he growls. he growls. my eyes widen at his reaction and i release my bottum lip from my teeth. 

i lean closer to him and he does the same. our noses touch then-

"hey Annika, do- ohhh" a voice speaks up and i squeal in suprise. i roll over and fall off the bed. 

laughter booms around my room and i groan in pain from the impact of the ground. i sit up and wait a few seconds before peeking over my bed and seeing who the intruder is. 

maggie. maggie. its maggie.

then again it could've been my brother so i guess im lucky. i watch as maggie continues to laugh her ass off and i sit on the bed next to Jake, still blushing. 

"ill come back later." maggie says in between laughs and manages to get out of the door and even shut it behind her. 

i look over at Jake and he bursts out laughing. i roll my eyes and pull the covers over my head.


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