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Dear Daughter,
You might be wondering what happened after our families were aware of the fact that me and your mother had made you. Well, they were obviously horrified. It did not help that our families were related.

We were not planning on telling them, but the truth had to come out; one way or another. After the initial shock, her parents reluctantly agreed to take care of your mother, whereas I was put into a boarding school.

I do not want you to think that we got away with it, because we most certainly did not. We are all entitled to a free choice, but the consequences of that choice will always follow.

We had a hard time. Your mother was pressurised to do things we never wanted to, so we had to take actions we shouldn't have. Along with her, I too was forced to continue with my education and not be there with your mother.

Often we were looked down upon by our neighbours, but that did not falter our spirits. What hurt us the most was the fact that our own families treated us like strangers. I was completely depressed by the fact that my family deserted me in such a time of need.

Aren't families supposed to have each other's back? Aren't they supposed to help us make correct decisions after we make some wrong ones? Aren't they the ones who help us up after we tumble down? Apparently not.

You were still in a safe place: your mother's womb; but for us, we were out there fighting the monsters of society. Both of us were taunted severely, more your mother than me. She was called names you shouldn't know about, and her family too looked down upon us.

We were separated for months, but your mother forced her parents to let me meet her. She was quite stubborn that way. We were both together when you were born, but that lasted only for minutes as your mother soon left us all. I was scared then. I had no one out there with me. My courage soon seeped out of me. My fear got the best of me, and I made the biggest mistake of my life.

I left you at the doorstep of the orphanage. I sincerely apologise for my actions, but you should know little girl, that I only wanted you to have a good life.

Always and Forever,
Your Father.
May 29, 1999.

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