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To the Daughter it is written for,
I hope you do not mind the fact that I read all the letters your father wrote addressed to you. I could not refrain myself from doing so.

I often caught him write secret letters and wondered who he wrote them to. Now that I know who it was for, my heart aches for you.

I smiled with his stories, and learnt with his lessons. I cried for him when was sorrowful, and celebrated with him on his happy days. I am no close friend of your father's but I really wish I was.

As I read through his letters, I realise what he went through. He was always a man to masquerade his woe with his smile. He was always there when someone needed some comfort and we assumed he was happy with what he had. But honestly, only a man who has been through so much sorrow would have been able to comfort someone who is going through it.

I unfolded the mystery of the man that he was, and realised what you meant to him. I understood what these letters meant for him. I came face to face with the fact that they were the man's only source of peace. Your father neither tainted your mother's memory, nor yours; I really hope you don't taint his either.

Your father was a brave man. He got shot on the battlefield and was immediately rushed into the camp. He was extremely weak, but could have been out of danger if he would have rested. The national war raged out on the border, just like your father's internal battle. He had quite a lot of blood loss due to exertion. Note here, that even a simple task like writing a letter was excruciating painful for him. The blood loss was not controlled in time, and that led to his demise.

He had huge hopes of meeting you, but the situations did not play out like he would have wanted them to. When we returned to inquire about your father, all we found was a pool of blood with some pieces of paper, which upon reading were his letters to you.

I seal underneath all the letters your father ever wrote to you, but did not send. These letters might be covered with the blood of your old man, but I hope to you these are a cue for a fresh start.

Your father was a strong man, and he will always be remembered for his bravery. He will be saluted with twenty one guns, for he gave a lot to the nation, and to the army. Please do visit your father on his funeral.

Agreed I did not know him personally, but I can assure you, that it would have been his last wish to see you before he went and reunited with your mother.

Yours Truly,
Just another Army Father.
July 17, 1999.

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