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Dear Daughter,
The results of the war seem to be slightly obvious now. As I sit here today, looking at the silhouette of the place my eyes can reach, I cannot help but wonder what is happening in the opposite camp.

I wonder if they too have pasts like mine? Do they too have bigger, more important personal battles to fight when they get back home?

Currently as I sit in my camp, I am at peace that at least now, I will be able to own up. I have waited and waited to meet you, little girl, and now that this dream is so close to becoming real, I do not feel scared for once, that anything will tear it apart.

Now that we have come so close to the end, I feel the need to look back upon the road that lead me here. Probably it all happened for me to value this end with you. You see, a difficult middle does not always reach to difficult end. It will do us good to fight those monsters, so that in the end when the princess is saved, the result is worth the fight. Probably sometimes the princess has to fight on her own, probably there will be no prince; yet, the fight is always worth the victory.

Although, it is not wise to think that our opponent is at fault. They too have some stories. Even today, as the war seems to be coming to a closure, I do not think that these men we are fighting against have any bad in them. You see, no one fights against you, they fight for themselves. They fight for something they believe in.

These men too have the honour of their nation to protect, these men too have their families to go back to. Every day, just as I make plans to spend time with you, they too have someone back home waiting for them.

I wonder of they are here in Kargil as a redemption of their actions too, or are they here to die as martyrs. Were they thinking of soaking their nation's soil in their blood, or are they here to make someone proud?

Whatever their reasons might be, I hope these men too have a happy ending waiting for them, just as I have mine waiti

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