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Dear Daughter,
Have you ever tried looking at the sun directly? If you have, okay; if you haven't, what is wrong with you? Now, have you looked at the sun with sun glasses on or like an x-ray sheet? If you have, okay; if you haven't, do it now.

So, tell me, what difference does it make when you have a layer over your eyes? It becomes a bit easier to look at the sun, doesn't it? A difficult thing to do, yet it becomes slightly easier.

In real life, the sun is a person's flaws; and the protective layer becomes love. Not saying that the flaws go away, but it's just that we get used to those flaws, and they just remain quirks.

Your mother, like I mentioned earlier, had a lot of these weird quirks. Some of them were brutal to me; while others were commendable. Some quirks of her's that stood out were her fierce loyalty and absolute honesty; a deadly combination for our relationship.

Till date, I admire her for both those traits and wish that I had them in me. I wish I could have been as loyal to you as she was to me; and I really want you to think that I am trying.

As far as honesty goes, I believe I have been completely honest with you. I have told you about your mother, our families and also about our relationship. The only thing that I have hidden from you is your mother's last wish.

I haven't lived up to her last wish, little girl; but I hope she forgives me for that. I hope she realises why I did what I did.

Your mother in her deathbed, made me promise her that I would not let the circumstances of her death affect you and your life. She told me not to tell you anything about our relationship because she feared that you too would make some wrong choices like us.

I kept that promise for fourteen years, little girl; but I couldn't keep it in any longer. I had to tell this to someone. I had to get it out to someone who mattered to me; and you are the only one that matters to me. After all, you are the only one I can call my family.

However, I did not obey that. I told you everything about us. And I told you about your mother's last wish too; but how would this affect you anymore? To you, both of us are dead.

Always and Forever,
Your Father.
June 7, 1999.

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