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The walk with Shinoa was pretty lively. Well...maybe the word interesting would perhaps be best suited for it. While she walked, or floated, on our way to meet her freind she kept on asking me questions. Weird questions. "Yuu-san, are you in a relationship at the moment?" she asked, her movements coming to a hault. The question making me hault as well.

Why on earth would she ask something like that? Looking at her suspiciously I answered, "No, not at the moment. Can I ask as to why this question was placed upon me?" A grin suddenly appearing on her face. Stretching from ear to ear with glee. It looked almost painful. Her purple tail moving in excitement.

"Hmmmm, no specific reason. I was just curious is all." Raising a brow at her response I asked. "Well your certainly looking quiet joyful after hearing my answer. Why's that?" She let out a giggle and appeared right infront of me. "That's for me to know, and you to find out, Yuu-san" Her gloved finger giving my nose a small tap. Her figure backing away from me; a small laugh escaping her.

Alright then. Looks like this place just loves giving me riddles and questions. "Anyway, were almost there. I can't wait for you to meet him!" she exclaimed, her petite body landing on the ground. "Him?" I asked. Looking towards me she placed her hands behind her back together and offered me a smile. "The Mad Hatter of course. I'm sure you guys will become very close. Very close."

I'm not sure if I should feel alerted or not. The way she said was almost as if she knew something was going to happen. Although, I think I'm just being paranoid. Letting out a sigh I continued walking along side Shinoa. "Well, we're here!" she exclaimed before disappearing.

Looking at the spot she once was in before disappearing in confusion. I let out a small sigh. A table was just up ahead. It was surronded by chairs, however, it looked like only two out of all of them were occupied. The closer I got towards the table the clearer it's features became: teapots, tea cups, pastries, books, silverware, and flowers were all scattered in the table.

It reminded me of the time Akane and I would have tea parties together. She would get all her stuffed animals and sit them all down on chairs with a cup of tea in front of them. Flowers would be decorating the small table we would use. Pastries in the middle of the table for our reach. Even though she knew the teddy bears or dolls would never be able to drink the warm delicious tea, she still included them.

"Well, It's not much of a party with only the two of us."

She would always say that everytime I would ask her as to why she would include them.

Smiling at the memory of my sister. I looked at the table before me. I felt a small amount of warmth at it's sight. I was really sure as to why, but I wasn't really complaining. Making my way forward, I stepped on a small twig. The sound of the twig snapping causing the person at the very end to wake up.

A small yawn escaping from him. Causing the rest to wake up as well. When his eyes fell upon me his eyes lightened up and a smile appeared upon his face. His body standing up from the chair he once sat on and getting on the table. Earning a string of curses from the rest. The tea pots and tea cups going all over the place as he continued to walk towards me.

Once he was face to face with me his smile only grew wider. Much like Shinoa's wide grin she wears. "It's you." he said, joy written all over his voice. "No it's not, Yoichi brought us the wrong Yuichiro!" said a voice who sounded all too familiar. "It's the wrong Yuichiro! Are you positive Yoichi didn't bring us the right one?" said a voice which I didn't recognise at all.

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