✨10✨ Uninvited

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The warm delicious substance went down my throat. It's rich flavor making contact with my tongue. The small miniature teacup in my hands. It's warmth making contact with my hands. The sound of a plate breaking catching my attention. A small yelp escaping from me.

Moving my teacup away from lips, I turn to look at Mikaela. A sigh escaping from him. Annoyance being clearly noticeable. "Times up." With that being said he took out a small bottle from his pocket. Turning his gaze from the forest to me he gave me a gentle smile. "Drink this quickly." he said, a sense of worry written in his voice.

Setting down my small teacup; I grab a hold of the small bottle. Not thinking twice about it, I quickly began to drink it. A small portion of it escaping my mouth, for I had spit some out. Consider it rude if you want. However, it was completely disgusting. It tasted bitter, nothing compared to Mikaela's sweet delicious tea. Loud violent coughing escaping from me afterwards. My body beginning to shrink once again; making me shorter than I was already.

"Hide him!" exclaimed Kimizuki. A look of panic and worry written on him. Shinoa now moving to sit as far away from the end of the table. A hand taking hold of my small body. Looking at the owner of the hand I saw it belonged to Mikaela. His other hand taking a hold of an empty teapot. "Mind your head Yuu-chan." he said, before shoving me inside the teapot.

"Oi, Mikaela, Mikaela, let me out!" I yelled while banging on the lid of the teapot. My white gown starting to slowly slip off. Taking a hold of the gown to prevent it from falling off my body. I sat down on the bottom of the teapot. It was surprisingly dark inside. Only a small amount of light was inside; only reason there was light was because of small hole in the teapot.

Moving closer towards the hole, I placed my eye over it to see what was going on. A group of red cards holding sharp looking weapons stood at the far end of the table. Not only that, but a man with an evil and frightening aura as well. Looking at him sended shivers down my spine in fear. Just by looking at him I could easily tell to stay as far away from him as possible.

Getting of his horse he walks towards the table. His boots creating and echo with each step he took. "Well, if it isn't my favorite group of lunatics." He said, his voice resembling that of a cold sinister person with no heart. Upon hearing a laugh I could tell it belong to Mitsuba. "Now what must we have we done to have the honor of the Red Nobel visiting a group of mad men like us?" she questioned skeptically.

Looking at Shinoa's small shoulder; the place Mitsuba was now seated on. He let out a chuckle before making his way towards us. His red and blue coat flowing with the small gentle breeze as he walked. "Well you see, we just so happen to be looking for the brat called Yuichiro. Why, we even have a hound on the search for his scent. You wouldn't know were he is do you?"

What does he want with me? Why is he on a search for me? Does all of this add up to the whole reason as to why I'm here? "Yuichiro? I do belive that is something that begins with the letter Y. I haven't quite gotten there, for I am searching for this that begin with the letter M." replied Mikaela. Hearing his response he seemed furious. A sigh escaping his lips before his arm was now snaked around Mikaela's neck in an angered maner.

"If you're hiding him, you'll lose your heads." he said, venom and anger in his voice being directed towards his prey. "We've already lost them." he replied. A group of laughter being heard from the others. The Red Nobel now walking away from the group. His gloved hand taking a hold of an unused teacup filled with tea. "Your all mad."

"Thanks for the compliment asshole." replied Kimizuki. A smirk being written on his features. Earning laughs from the group. Throwing his cup to the floor in annoyance he walked back to his horse. A white cup flying towards him, only for him to duck and hit a card guard.

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