✨17✨ Riddle

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I wanted to stay in his arms longer. I wanted it so badly, I wanted that protection his arms offered. His warm comforting scent of vanilla almost putting me to sleep as we embraced. I wanted it to last longer, however it couldn't. At least not now. Mika still had to dress Mahiru in his beautiful creations. Despite his many protests, they still looked beautiful in my eyes.

Sighing I look into Mika's eyes. God, I could go swimming in those eyes. They were just so beautiful, they reminded me of the ocean. His eyes were an ocean, beautiful and gentle, yet cold and strong at the same time. Breaking eye contact, I break away from his arms and sigh again.

"I'm going to find the Demon Sword tonight. I need your help to do so Mika." I say, a smile appearing on his lips. The chains tied to his feet making noise with every step he took. Sitting down on the chair that stood next to the drawer. Crossing his legs he rested his chin on his hand, a smirk on his lips. "Why is a raven like a writing desk Yuu-chan?" he asked, his smirk never leaving his pink lips.

Looking at him in confusion I shake my head and shrug. A small laugh escaping his lips. "What is big yet small, and quarrels with the mischief one yet still loves it?" Great, another riddle. Why this place doesn't give me a straightforward answer is beyond me. Shooting Mikaela a small glare I sigh and run my hands through my hair. The Demon Sword is somewhere in this castle, that I'm sure of. Where however, is what I'm not sure of in the slightest.

Taking a deep breath I rerun the riddle in my head again. Hoping that I will be able to solve it. Big yet small at the same time, quarrels with the mischief, yet it still loves it. Mischief? Big and small? Letting out a groan I look at Mika, in hopes that he'll give me a clue. He's still in the position as before. His legs crossed and that smirk still on his perfect pink lips as he rests his chin on his hands. Always quarrels with the mischief one. The mischief one, the mischief one.  

"Shinoa," I say, the answer now becoming clearer. A smile now on Mika's lips, a small chuckle escaping his lips. 

"One part down, the mischief one. However, who loves it, is the answer. Not the mischief one Yuu-chan." he says, getting up from the chair and walking towards the window. Releasing a small sigh he looks at me and makes his way towards me. A sad frown on his features, worry in his eyes. "Yuu-chan, only three days remain until the Frabjous Day. You have to find the sword tonight while Mahiru and the guards are distracted." Gently caressing my cheek I lean into his soft gentle touch. I know tonight is my only shot at obtaining the Demon Sword, to bring Asuramaru to Krul and help Wonderland. If I want to prove to every citizen that I truly am the right Yuichirou, the chosen one, and not the wrong Yuichirou. 

Suddenly the riddle is no longer a riddle, it's now an answer. It's now hope. Giving Mika one last look I give him a reassuring and confident smile. No words are spoken, I don't have to say anything for him to know I've figured it out.  He knows, the smile and tender kiss he gives me tells me he knows I've figured it out. Giving him one last kiss on his cheek I pull his hat down and cover his eyes. A small giggle reaching my ears, and god if It wasn't hard enough to not kiss or hug him, it sure was now. 

"I'll be back, but for now," Poking his nose I let out a small giggle and see a rosy color appear on his cheeks. "let's hope for the best." 

"I know you'll do great Yuu-chan. Now go, the dressing for Mahiru ends at midnight. If we want this to work you have to leave now, we only have a few hours." Offering him a small nod in understanding I make my way to the the large red doors. Grabbing the cold golden handle I look back and give Mika a reassuring smile. Mouthing him a small goodbye before walking out, seeking the one that quarrels with the mischief one. In other words, Mitsuba.

Big yet small at the same time. 

Mitsuba's ability to go into her mouse form can make her go unnoticed. She can roam around the castle without being spotted, meaning she might've heard Mahiru discuss over the Demon Sword with the Red Nobel. The sound of a Grandfather's Watch snapping me out of my thoughts. It's black hands reading ten o'clock, two hours. I have two hours to do this. Making my steps much faster I walk blindly throughout the many halls of the castle. Searching for any sight of Mitsuba, standing still in the hall I look at the three halls that I can choose. A groan escaping me, running my hands through my in frustration hair I sigh.

"Well well well, it seems someone is lost." a voice behind me says. A yelp escaping from me, the small hairs on my neck standing up in surprise. Turning my head to see the owner of the voice I sigh with relief. It's the mischief, Shinoa. A smile on her face, her eyes shinning with a mixture of emotions that I quite can't read. Her small body floating in the air, her hands behind her back as she stares at me.

"Shinoa do you know where Mitsuba is?" I ask her. Looking at me for a second she only nods, her small gloved hand pointing at the hall at my right. The mixture of emotions in her eyes now becoming clear. Sadness and nostalgia. The way she looked at the walls and halls just made you uneasy. It was almost as if they held more meaning than one knew. As if reading my thoughts she said, "This used to be my home, now it's hardly a home. It's the opposite now, this place is no longer warm and welcoming. It's simply cold and disgusting, I despise it." Letting out a sigh she floats towards me and sets her feet next to me on the floor.  A smile on her lips, not her signature Cheshire smile, but a warm loving smile.

 "Mind if I join you?" she asks. 

"The more the merrier." I tell her, and I just can't help but laugh. Her purple ears perking up at my answer. Our footsteps echoing in the quite abandoned halls, the sound of the rain outside accompanying our footsteps. It was calming and soothing, like a lullaby. 

"I'm guessing your going to search for Asuramaru aren't you. That's the reason you're looking for Mitsu isn't it?"

"Yup, I have to find him today before midnight. Mitsuba's the only one that might know where he is being kept due to her being able to go into mouse form."

Stopping in her tracks she sighs and looks at the window. The light rain sliding down the window as well as creating a small tapping noise. Hazel eyes no longer looking at the rain and window, but at me now. "Yuichirou is kind of a long name don't you think?" She asks, her petite body disappearing afterwards. Looking at the spot she previously stood in, I let out a small noise of surprise after she appears in front of me.

"How about I just call you Yuu-san." she says, taking a bite out of a cookie she now had in her hands. Handing me a cookie she held in her other hand. A smile on my lips as I take the cookie from her hands.

"I'd like that." I tell her before biting into my own cookie.

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