✨13✨Moon Demon

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Looking at the way their hands grabbed onto his soft skin in a tight grip. Their hands surely leaving marks. This only made me want to cry more than I already was at the moment. His body being taken further and further away from my reach; until finally he was gone. My body was filled with rage. Why did they take him away! Who even told them were we could be found?

We even have a bloodhound searching for him by his scent.

Remembering the Red Nobles words my eyes became wide. My small fists shaking. So that's how they found us. They found us because of me. They found us because they picked up my scent and followed it. Looking at the place Mikaela once stood I let out a scream of frustration. My eyes landing upon his precious hat. Grabbing a hold of it by the ribbon that hangs from the back I begin to drag it with me. 

He told me to go to the White Queen, to go to Krul. You know what I'm going to do. I'm going to completely ignore that and go to the Red Queen, to Mahiru. The one that wants off with my head. It might be suicide to go to face her, yet at this point I don't care. I'm not just going to go to Krul when Mikaela is imprisoned at the Red Queen's castle.

Tripping on my own feet I land face first on the ground. Letting out a groan of pain I roll onto my back and look at the sky. The palm of my hand covering my eyes. 

Ever since I got here I've been nothing but a bother. I can't help these people the way I am now. So that's why I'm doing this, because if not this land shall fall into despair with Mahiru as the ruler. I'm going to become stronger so Wonderland doesn't get corrupted by a monster. The Red Queen.

Moving my hand away from my eyes I come face to face with a dog. Letting out a yelp of surprise I move towards the hat. My eyes never leaving the dog. 

"It was you wasn't it?" I asked, raising my voice towards him. Not caring one bit if I sounded rude or not. Looking away from me he nodded his head his ears lowering in shame. 

"Why...why did you do it? If you would've not of done that he would still be here with me as we speak. Mikaela would not be with that cold-hearted monster!" Trying to control my breathing I look at the dog with rage. I know I shouldn't be acting this way, yet I just can't help it. 

"I'm sorry. I truly am sorry, but I had no other choice. If I didn't help them track the special they would've murdered my family. I didn't want the Mad Hatter to be captured. I'm sorry" He said at last. His voice coming out in a scared way. Probably because of my outburst. Taking a deep breath to calm me down I look at him once again.

"It's alright, I apologize for my sudden outburst on you. It's just that really did upset me, however you had a good reason to do so."

"I forgive you, and I'm sorry for asking, but do you happen to be the special?" He asked, a small amount of hope noticeable in his eyes.

Rubbing the back of my neck I answered, "In a way I guess you can say that."

Not letting the hope and happiness in him go unnoticed I smiled. I may or may not be the special according to the blue caterpillar. According to the prophecy I may not be the special. So if I'm not the special I'll just become the special, and I'll fight for these people. Even if it's the last thing I do. 

"Hey, you never did tell me your name. May I know what it is?"

"Matthew, my name is Matthew." 

Walking towards him I looked him in the eyes and with the most serious tone I could manage I asked, "Can you take me to Moon Demon,Matthew" Upon hearing my request his eyes became wide. Looking at me with disbelief he looked at me to see if I was in anyway kidding. 

I was dead serious.

 "Why would you want to go there? The seco-"

"The second I go there I'll be killed. Yeah I know that. However Mikaela is there and I'm not going to abandon him. He's become someone precious to me and I don't want him to be in a place like that. So I'm going to help him. I'm going to save him." Stretching out my hand to him I gave him a smile. His eyes looking at my hand the whole time. 

"So will you help me?" I asked him once more. Praying in the inside of my head that he would accept. Looking at my outstretched hand one more time he lowered his head on the ground. My smile becoming wider with joy. Happily climbing up onto his head I pat his head in gratitude.

"Are you sure about this...um.."

"Yuichirou, and yes I'm sure. Oh and one last thing. Don't forget the hat."

Nodding his head he took a hold of the hat by his mouth and began to head Moon Demon. I think it's about time we meet your majesty. After all...I shall be the cause of your fall.

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