Origin: Shinoa I

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Walking down the large isolated cold halls I try to picture how it once was. A place full of warmth and life according to Shinoa. Looking at it now it's kind of hard to see such a place as this as warm, as welcoming.

The harsh silence in the halls giving me time to think about the upcoming events. A sword, a sword is the answer and conclusion to this war, knowing people put all their hopes upon a weapon. A weapon that could, and possibly will bring the death upon a person or creature; a creature such as a Seraph. A creature created with the feelings of greed, rage, and lust for power.

All for what?

All for the sake of taking over an entire kingdom and enslaving its civilians in their own fear; resulting in them fearing their own shadow and home. As well as to prove someone's worth and power all for it to result in war.

Two hours, I'm supposed to find the hopes of everyone in two hours. I will reunite two siblings torn apart from each others reach in two hours. A wave of doubt and worry washing over me. At this point I've stopped doubting Wonderland. Wonderland becoming a brave soldier in my eyes. The irritating black knife of negativity and fear once stabbing Wonderland now stabbing me. It's sharp end giving me a deep wound and allowing all the doubt within me to escape. All amount of pressure pressed upon the wound in vain; more and more doubt continuing to spill out of me,  suffocating me with the ocean it builds up.

The wound it once applied to Wonderland now nothing but a scratch. The doubt that once escaped from the wound now a small puddle in the road; ignored and nonexistent to people.

I retrieve the sword and then what?

The wielder is the choosen one, in this case me, or is it me. Blinking rapidly I stop and look at the ground in shame. Groaning I bring my hands up to my face and rub my eyes in tiredness. Frustration coming upon me at my thoughts, they can't be helped. It's human nature, I know that well; yet I allow myself to feel them. The answer as to why I do still a blur.

Taking a deep breath I focus on the task at hand, only to realize I stood in a dark hall; now lost and far from where I once was. The atmosphere around the abandoned hall gloomy and strangely warm. A large crimson door at the end of the hall, cobwebs and dust surronding every inch of the hall. Crimson door looking brown, paint from the door peeling off and scattered on the floor. Dust clinging onto the door and making the golden handle look dull. The feeling of this hall and door giving off a different vibe than the rest of this place.

Wiping away the dust off the door handle I place my gloved hand on the doorknob. Some of the golden's shine coming back, yet still gone from neglect and age. A loud criek coming from the door making me cringe. Looking back at the abandoned hall in case of attracting attention. Only to receive silence in return, my body relaxing slightly before entering and slowly closing the door behind me.

The room before me cold and dark, the moonlight from the windows being the only light source. It seemed like an ordinary bedroom. A large comfortable looking bed with sheets full of dust and cobwebs, a broken full body mirror and glass shards on the floor. Large desk full of quills and journals long forgotten, empty pages craving to be full of ink and words. A large bookcase full of books, dead plants and flowers all over the room, teddy bears and toys sitting in a large opened walk in closet, a wide variety of beautiful dresses and shoes inside.

"Pretty sad isn't it?"

Startled I turn around at the source of the voice. The one who argues with the mischief yet still loves it, Mitsuba; sitting by the large window with a book in her hands. The title of the book looking too worn off to read. Placing a dead leaf inside the book and marking her place she closes it. Giving it one last look before getting up. Looking around the room she gives it a sad look, white ears on her head dropping.

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