Home Sweet Home

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It was 2:30 pm and the van pulled into the driveway. The guard showed his badge, and the gate opened. They drove around to the back of the building. The garage door opened and we climbed out. Nichelle and I stepped out and stretched her legs, leaning against the van. I just cracked my neck. One of the guards undid Taylor's bands around her feet and waist. They pulled her forward. Taylor ducked down as she stepped out of the van to the orange-yellow painted concrete floor of the garage. She looked terrified. Her legs looked like they might give out on her. "Hatch says to take her to the infirmary to get checked out." The guard at the door said to the driver.

We took Taylor inside the building with a guard. We went to a door that said EXAM ROOM B. One of the scientists looked up from her desk. "Is this Taylor Ridley?" She asked the guard. "Yes. Sign here." He said, taking out a clipboard. The woman signed the document then handed back the clipboard. The doctor went with the whole procedure with Taylor. Taylor stopped at "remove your clothes" though. I nodded to Nichelle.
It only took half a second for Taylor to shout, "Stop! I'll do it!" She undressed down to her underwear. The scientist told us to leave but stay close.
"Man, I wish she would misbehave more." I mumbled.
"Yeah, they're no fun." Nichelle agreed.
"Atleast now the scientist has to deal with her nonstop questions." I chuckled. We laughed. Then the door opened.
"Nichelle, Lynn, it's time for Miss Ridley's interview. Take her to her cell." The scientist ordered. I normally don't take orders from them but I just like to tag along. It's especially fun hanging out with Nichelle when it comes to abductions.

After we put her in our cell, we had about 3 hours to do what we wanted before we had to take her to go see my dad. I went to my room and grabbed Hitman1 and 2. I beat 1 game and about 3 levels during that time.
Then Nichelle came into my room and asked, "It's time to get the girl. Wanna come?" She asked me. I got up.
"Let's go," I said.

We opened the Taylor's cell door.
"Sit up." Nichelle barked. Taylor sat up on the bed. My dad walked up to us and entered her cell. "Hello, Taylor," My dad said.
"You're a sight for sore eyes." She just stared at my dad. 
"He said 'hello'," Nichelle said angrilly as she used her powers.
Taylor screamed, "Stop!" Then my dad turned around sharply.
"Stop it." My dad said sharply to Nichelle, "Go." Nichelle left. I stayed.
Taylor immediatly said, "I hate her." My dad nodded.
"Be assured that you're not alone in that." He said.
"Most of the students here do." My dad explained.
"Daaadd." I said annoyed.
"I said 'most'." My dad said.
"Dad?" Taylor asked.
"Yes, Taylor. This is my daughter Lynn. She can control and create fire and water." My dad explained.
"Anyways, let's start over. I'm Dr. Hatch. You are at the Elgen Academy. I hope your trip wasn't too unpleasent." My dad said.
"Why did you kidnap me? You can't hold me here. My father will find you and-" My dad cut her off. I started noticing that she was about to explode with questions so I just went to my room to finish Hitman 2.

I finished my dinner early. I don't like things too fancy when I'm home so I just had bacon and eggs. I wanted to have breakfast two times today so, that's the reason I ordered that. I went up to the camera station and watched Tara going into Taylor's room. They started talking. I could hear and understand what they were saying perfectly but I didn't feel like listening. I was about to leave, then I heard them talking about changing clothes so I ran out the door, hoping to not see that. I respect people's privacy when they're not nonels or traitors. After a while, I finally went to sleep.

I woke up, got dressed, did all of the things in my morning routine, then took a walk down the hallways. Guards and cameras always were in the hallways so I didn't need any bodyguards when I do this. Whenever I don't have any bodyguards, it's normally when I'm with another glow. I went down to the mall where all of the famous people go. I go there all the time and know every inch of the store. My bodyguards were my secret service so they weren't right next to me, so I didn't get annoyed. Mr. Henry was carrying my bags. Then in the middle of shopping for better video games, I saw Taylor and Tara. I wanted to keep an eye on them so I shopped where I could see them. I went to a jewelry store in the mall. "Hello there Miss Lynn." The jeweler said to me. At this point, I was a usual. Not many people can say that. The lowest price at this jewelry store was 50 grand.
"Do you have a diamond necklace in stock?" I asked. "Of course. Would you like clear diamond or blue diamond?" He asked. Since my favorite color was blue, I had to go for blue diamond.
"Excellent choice, Miss. Lynn." He said.
"Anything else I can get for you?"
"Actually, yeah. What might stand out?" I asked. He paused in thought.
"I have just the thing for you." He said. He went into the storage room and pulled out a finely cut rose-red ruby ring.
"That will be 9." He said. I pulled out my card. Most of the glows had limits but mine didn't. I gave him the 9 million dollars, signed the reciept in confirmation that it was me, and left the store. By that time, I was already shopped out and Taylor and Tara were supposed to be with my dad by now. I went back to the elgen academy and my secret service went into the limousine with me. I must've spent more than 14 million dollars. I bought a LOT of well designed games. All of them had full stars. 5/5. I sat back, relaxed and grabbed a coke that was in the limousine fridge. I checked my Iphone to see what time it was. I fell asleep the rest of the way. The guard must've put me in my bed because I ended up waking up in the Elgen Academy. Back in my bed.

Michael Vey Fanfic: Hatch's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now