The Bored Game

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For that one moment, I felt like there was no worry in the world. Nothing stressful. With him, there was nothing I couldn't do. When we parted, all I could see was him. Like time stopped. "Whoa." I said breathlessly. He smiled. "Yeah. Wow." He said, also breathless. "Your dad is going to kill me." Quentin laughed. "So, I guess we're actually a thing now." I said. "Yeah. I guess so."

We walked down the boardwalk with Quentin's arm around my shoulder. The wind in my hair was extra relaxing. "It's calm. I never there'd be such thing." I said. "Yeah, let's wreck it." Quentin said. "I'm in." I said.

We walked down to a busy street. There was a homeless, gross looking man. He looked at us and my necklace. "Please. Food. Money." He said. "Uh, no." I said. "That's a pretty necklace you have." He said in a creepy way. Of course because I'm with another glow, my guards aren't with me. "Uhh, thanks?" I said awkwardly. "Could you spare a piece of that?" He asked. I looked at Quentin. Knowing I was feeling uncomfortable, he said, "Hey, bucko. Leave my girlfriend alone." Aw, he's protecting me. "Hey, c'mon man, I'm not trying to hurt no one." He said. "That's a double negative." Quentin said. "Yeah, so?" "That means you're saying you're trying to hurt people. That, I don't care about, but I do care about you hurting my girlfriend." He said, clenching his fists. "Hey, come on pal, we're all friends here right?" The poor guy said, backing away. "We aren't pals OR friends." He said angrily. The poor guy had a demonic grin cross his face. Someone grabbed me by the arm. He had a black ski mask on. There was another guy. Both of them were wearing all black. The poor man stood up and touched my necklace but before that, I made water appear right on his crotch to look like he peed. The man looked down. Both henchmen looked at each other. "Well what're you looking at!" The homeless man barked. I immediately surged. It wasn't as strong as I could do but, 1-1000000000- (etc.), it was 5, I normally hit them with 2 because somehow it's strong by itself. All of them dropped to the ground. There was a street rat... not a person, a real rat, that even got shocked... and a few other people. I think I killed the leader. He payed more attention to his costume than his armor. After the shock wave died down, Quentin kicked all of them in the sides. "Don't touch my girlfriend." He muttered. I think there aren't any street cameras, even if there were, they were probably burnt out from that electric shock. Quentin immediately put his arm around me. "So much for staying undercover." I said. "Yeah... Maybe we should go before news reporters come." He said. "Good idea."

We got back into the car and drove back to the academy... Well, the Peruvian base. Quentin walked me to my room. "I had a great time Q. Thanks." He smiled. "Glad you liked it." He said. Then he left to go to his own room. A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door. "Come in." I said. Dad walked through the door. "Oh, hey dad." I said. "You have a good time?" He asked. I was still thinking of the kiss. "Hmm?" I said. "The date." Dad said. "Oh, yeah. It was amazing." I said. "You're not getting soft are you?" He asked me. "No, plus it wouldn't matter because Quentin's on our side." "True, but there is such thing as rebellion. If he does rebel, you have to be able to fight him." Dad said. I sighed. "Yeah yeah, I get it." I said. He looked at me sternly. "What?" I said. "Just seeing if you're really paying attention to what I'm saying or if you're just thinking of Quentin." He said. I was definitely...not listening. I was thinking of Quentin. "Yeah yeah whatever dad." I said. "Lynn, I'm serious." I snapped out of my trance. You know how when you're half asleep but when someone says your name about 25 steps away you can hear them. That's what happened to me. "What?" I asked. "If Quentin rebels, you need to be able to fight him." Dad said. I groaned. "Do we need to have a whole thing on battle tactics? I mean, I like them, but I think this is a little unnecessary." I said annoyed. "Yes." He said. "UGGHHH." I groaned, falling face-flat on my bed. "I beat someone up without my powers dad. WITH my powers I am  and always will be undefeated." I said annoyed. "You still have lots to learn Lynn." Dad said. I wasn't going to win this battle, even though I encountered the best lawyer in the world. "Fine." I sighed.

I went down to the gym to practice. I practiced my usual warm-up routine. Left, right, left, right, left uppercut, right uppercut, left hook, right hook, left, right, left, right, left uppercut, right uppercut, left hook, right hook, etc. Then I went down and played a few video games. A few hours later, close to 9:00, Quentin knocked on the door. "Come in." I said, still playing the game. "You're as bad as Bryan." Quentin laughed. "At least I'm a better gamer than him. I beat him 10 times each game in a row before he rage quit in.." I counted my fingers. "About 10 games." "So 100 times?" Quentin asked. "Yep." "Anyways, we're about to play a family board game. Wanna join?" Q asked. "Sure." I said, getting up.

"Hey Lynn, you here to play... THE RAIN OF TERROR the board game?"  Torstyn asked. "Sure, but I've never heard of that game before." I said. "That's because it's a board game. It's a really old game but we got a new one. Can't believe they still make these." Bryan explained. "Ohhhhhh, that makes a lot more sense. I don't like how they spell it wrong. It's a bored game but spelled 'board game'. It's either because it's a cardboard game board or because it's for people who are extremely bored." I said. Everyone laughed. "When we take over, we should change the spelling immediately." Quentin laughed. "Speaking of taking over, what would we even change aside from all of humanity being erased...... wait." I paused. "What?" Tara asked. "If all humanity is erased, nobody would know how to work industries and make food and such. Who'll work for us? Everyone's gonna be dumb!" I said. Everyone paused. "We could leave most of humanity to slave away and teach the new generation. Then once everyone is educated to... well, this generation's max, we'll destroy the race of humanity by then." Quentin said. "You're such a nerd." Kylee said. "And amazingly cute nerd." I added. "Whatever." Kylee said, looking back at her cards. "Who goes first?" Bryan asked. "I think we should roll to find out." I suggested. Then I felt something. I used Ian's powers. Everyone looked at me as I froze. "What's wrong?" Quentin asked me. "It's them."

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