First Kiss

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I motioned him to continue his sentence. He got on one knee and took out a luscious red rose with a vibrant green stem with no thorns and one perfect green leaf. "Lynn, would you go on a date with me?" I smiled. "This isn't a joke right?" I asked suspiciously. "Joke?" He said confused. "Yes." I said. A giant grin crossed his face. "One-one second." He said, leaving the room. I heard a bunch of screams of joy. Then he walked back into my room. "Wait, did you talk to my dad before asking me?" I asked. "Yes." "Good, he would go ballistic if you didn't." I laughed. "Then I guess it's a good thing I did." "Shouldn't I get ready?" I asked. "Sure, I'll pick you up in an hour." Quentin said. I put on a pair of white khakis, aqua-blue leather jacket, and black shades that I put in the jacket's inner pocket. If I forgot anything, I could just make it with my powers.

Quentin knocked on my door an hour later. "Come in." I said. "Shall we?" He asked. "'Shall we' what?" I asked. He smiled and took my hand. "You'll see." He said. We started walking out the door.

Red petals lined the hallways. The guards had old-fashioned swords. They raised them like the knights did when kings walked down a red carpet. They were dressed in real metal knight armor. They were patterned black knights, white knights, black knights, white knights and so-on. I never noticed this before but Quentin is a pretty attractive guy. I never noticed that we have the same likes and dislikes. I guess it just takes some time to know a guy. I looked around. A small band followed us playing romantic music. "You really put some effort into this." I said. "Trust me, we haven't even gotten started." He said.

We walked out of the Elgen facility to a shiny, black, sports car. It was striped horizontally with bright red paint. "After you." Quentin said, opening the door for me. "Thank you." I said, walking in. It was really cool in there. It was either from the air-conditioning or the refrigerator. After five minutes of driving, I felt a need to strike a conversation. "So are you going to tell me where we're going yet?" I asked. "Maybe." Quentin teased. I playfully shook my head in response. "I know you don't like fancy things so, what I'm thinking is we go to an average pizza place." He said. "You know me so well." I said, smiling.

"We're here." The driver said. We were at "Pizza Lord's Pizzeria." It was one of the top-five Pizza places on the map. "After you," Quentin said, opening the door for me. "Thanks," I said. "I have a taste for a cheeseburger." I joked. "Ha ha, very funny." Quentin said.

When we walked in, we were immediately seated. I just gazed into his perfect, sparking eyes. "That tux suits you." I said, looking at his black tuxedo. "Thanks, trying to look my best." He said. When the waiter came, we just ordered plain cheese pizza. It didn't matter to me on what toppings it had, as long as it was pizza. When we got the food, I said, "Woah, this looks so good." I said. I put a few pieces of pizza on my plate and dug in.

Sometime while we were eating, a boy, somewhat our age, bumped into Quentin's seat. "Oh, sorry." The boy apologized, then he looked at me. He paused, "Woah.. Hel-lo." He said. He whistled at me. "Hey! Watch it, that's my girlfriend you're whistling at." Quentin said angrily. "What're you gonna do about it?" The boy said, urging to pick a fight. The lights flickered on and off. Great. They're going to fight. "Woah." The kid said. "You scared of the dark?" Quentin teased. "Psh, no way. Let's do this." The boy said, lifting his fists into fighting position. Quentin did the same. "Come on pretty boy, let's see what you got." The boy said to Quentin. Before either of the boys could lift a finger, I immediately gut-punched the boy. "Ow.." The boy said, clenching his stomach as he fell to the floor. "Wow.. That's so hot." Quentin said. I smiled. The boy started to get up, barely though. "You-you needed your girlfriend to fight for you. Pathetic." The boy scowled. "Sorry, I'll help you up." I said sympathetically. Quentin gave me a confused look. I winked at him. I grabbed the boy's hand to lift him up but immediately shocked him. It was only a light zap and you could see his bones in his hand and his hair flew up like Einstein's. His face was burnt as he fell back into the floor and passed out. "That's my girl." Quentin said. "Let's get out of here Q." I said. As we were walking out, Quentin stopped. "For the record, I totally could've taken him." He said. "Yeah yeah." I said in fake disbelief. "I'm serious." He said, laughing. "If you're so serious, then why are you laughing?" I joked. "Uhh.." He said. I smiled. "I know you could beat him up, I'm just giving you a hard time." "Right." He said.

We walked down to a beach around the pizza parlor and sat down on a red wooden bench. "Wow. What a beautiful beach." I said. "Feels good to have a sigh of relief from reality doesn't it?" Quentin said. "Yeah, even though we're treated like kings, even kings have duties." I said. I took a deep breath. It felt good. "Whoa, that's a really pretty sunset." Quentin said. "Yeah, I normally never see them except in video games." "You don't get out that much, do you?" "Sometimes, but it's normally on missions. But even then I don't notice them." I sighed. Quentin put his arm around my shoulder. I snuggled into his chest. This is one of those moments that you can never forget. We snuggled for a while until Quentin lifted my chin. "You're so beautiful." He swooned. I giggled. "No, really. You are." He said. I sat up and looked into his loving eyes. Quentin pulled me into him. He started leaning in. I leaned in too. Our lips were about one centimeter away by now. Then, our lips clashed. I closed my eyes as we embraced.

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