Lynn's Training Strategy

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All of us cheered. "The war has begun, my eagles. First the Elgen corporation, then the world. I have been preparing. We are going to Peru, not to shut down the compound, but to consolidate our power. Peru will be our headquarters for mounting our overthrow of the misguided corporation. You will be my war council, my generals, and my personal guards. Make no mistake, the stakes are high. If we lose, you are on your own, no money, no privilege, just a life of quiet desperation pecking out an existence with the rest of the chickens." Dad looked around the cabin, judging the effect of his words b the terrified and indignant looks on our faces. "But we are not going to lose. That is not your destiny. That is not my destiny. And the Elgen are just the first to speed bump on our journey. After we have conquered them, we shall, one by one, overthrow nations. I have taught you from your childhoods that you were royalty. You shall soon see how right I am. But you are not just royalty. You will be royalty's royalty. Kings will be your butlers and queens will be your maidservants. They will bow in your presence. Some of you are likely wondering how we are going to accomplish this. Our plan is perfect and already begun. We will take control of the world's electricity. Electricity is the mother's milk of civilization. When we control the electricity we will take control of communications, health care, and the production and distribution of food. If a country tries to take over our plants, we will shut down their businesses. We will shut down their communications. We will cripple their economies, and they will crawl back to us for help. And we will render us, we will threaten other countries' power until they fight for us. And they will fight for us. Survival is always the first rule of politics." Quentin raised his hand. "Yes?" Dad said. "How do we make electricity?" Dad smiled. "Except for Torstyn and Lynn, none of you have been briefed on our Starxource project, even though you were, indirectly, a part of its development. Now is the time for you to know. How do we make electricity? The same way that you do. When we are in Peru you will have a full tour of the facility. Our Starxource plants use a renewable, bioelectric source of power production. We currently have opening Starxource plants at the rate of a new facility every two months. Soon we will have that down to one plant a month. Then two plants a month. Then a plant a week. Countries are already begging us to come in with our power. Why wouldn't they? We offer them clean power at a fraction of the cost. It's practically free. No pollution, no economic strain. Those who don't turn to us will be at an economic disadvantage to those who do. Of course, this begs the question, why would we give away our electricity? Because we are like the drug dealer handling out free drugs on the schoolyard playground. Once the world is hooked, we will of course, raise the prices and increase our demands until we own them." "We rule!" Bryan shouted. Dad smiled. "Yes, we will." Quentin raised his hand again. "Sir, how will we fight the Elgen? They have thousands of guards." "Which we will use to our advantage. In fact, we will soon be quadrupling our number of guards, all of whom will be trained by us in Peru. As for our current force, I have summoned all the guards from Elgen facilities around the world. In two days they will be arriving in Peru for a two-week rehabilitation conference. The board believes this conference is to train our forces for their new roles in the Starxouce plants, which, ironically, is true-just not in the roles the board expects. Our Peruvian force is our largest and is completely loyal to us. Soon all the Elgen guards will be loyal to us. We will choose our leaders and purge the rest of the force. When we are done, we will control the security forces within each plant. Anyone who does not follow my orders will be punished. Any questions?" Suddenly the plane took a huge dip, knocking my dad to the ground. Several of us screamed. An alarm began beeping and oxygen masks dropped from the ceiling. "What's happening?" Dad shouted to the pilots. There was no answer. Dad crawled to the cockpit and pulled open the door. "What's happening?" "We don't know," the copilot shouted. "We've lost power. Everything just went..." Dad didn't wait for him to finish. He rushed to the fuselage shouting to the guard. "Pull the screen!" The guard, who was still belted in his chair, reached back and pulled the screen. Tanner was awake, his dark blue eyes looking at them. "Shoot him!" Dad shouted to the guard. The guard didn't move. He just stared, as if frozen. "Shoot him before he kills us all. Now!" "I'll stop! I'll stop!" Tanner yelled. Dad looked over to see Torstyn, his lip curled in anger, his hand extended toward Tanner. Then the guard hit Tanner over the head with his pistol, knocking him out. The jet dropped again, then leveled out. Kylee and Bryan both threw up. It took several minutes for everyone to settle. After the plane was back on course the captain's voice came over the PA system. "Sorry for the turbulence, everyone. We should be fine now." Dad stood again, composing himself. "Well done, Torstyn," he said. "A round of applause for Torstyn, who just saved all of our lives." Everyone clapped, even Quentin. "You will be handsomely rewarded when we arrive in Peru." "Thank you, sir," Torstyn said. Dad pointed at the phsychiatrist. "You." Dr. Jung was pale with fear. "Sedate the boy until anesthetic flows from his tear ducts." Dad's eyes narrowed. "Do not let him wake again until we're on the ground. Do you understand?" "Yes, sir. He won't. It won't happen again. I promise." "I should hope not. If he wakes again, I'll have both of you thrown out of the airplane. Are we clear on this?" The doctor blanched. "Yes, sir. Very clear." "Close the screen," he said to the guard. "Yes, sir," the guard said, pulling the screen around the pair. "We'll deal with your insubordination after we land." "Yes, sir." Dad looked at us. "Where were we?"

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