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Dylan's P.O.V.

I run down the hallway, eager to get away. The splinters from the wood of the hallway floor dig into my bare feet. Making me wince as I run, but I don't stop. I know that if I stop, it'll eat me alive. I know that the screams that I have heard inside this place will haunt me forever. If not during my life, then during my dreams. I hear it's feet pounding after me, faster and faster. I refuse to call it by its natural name.

Saying it's name out loud will only make it stronger than it is now. I round a corner and trip over something. I scream as I fall to the floor. I hear growling coming above me, I turn around and stare into its red eyes. A whimper comes out of my throat. I lock my eyes with its red ones. I can't help but think," why us? why me? what did we do to deserve this kind of fate". It opens its mouth and lunges towards my face.

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