Chapter 24: Blazing Hot

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Eval's P. O.V.
When I step into the room I notice that its about the size of a gym floor and that I don't even need my flashlight. The room is alight by the light of the fire. Every inch is covered in yellow or orange light. The flashlight slips through my fingers and lands into the fire. Melting instantly. I back away but instead of my back hitting the door, it hits solid wall instead. I turn around expecting the door and the doorknob. But instead I find solid wall. I think - the door's gone. It was just here. Where's the door?!, Where's the fucking door!?!. I turn back around and there on the other side of the room is the door. I look at the room that's covered in an orangey red dangerous blaze. Even if James's skeleton is in here its probably ashes by now because of the heat of the fire. I look at the door. I think- I have to run through the fire, there's no other way. I take a deep breath, let it out and run through the fire. Heat licks at my pants, burning both the bottom parts of the pants off. I cover my mouth with my shirt. The flames lick at my arms. Suddenly I go sprawling down onto the fiery floor. Something rolls besides my head and I see that its an urn. Somehow I know that Lucas's ashes are in it. I scoop it up quickly and keep on running. I can feel the flames burning the soles of my shoes. I'm cradling the urn in both my arms. I can feel the heat at my back, like its keeping up with me. Staying by my side. Tears well up in my eyes from the smoke and heat. I'm almost at the door. I trip. The urn goes falling out of my arms and goes straight into the fire. I crawl, not caring if my hands get burned beyond recognition. My hands feel for the urn. I grip something metal. And hot, its so, so hot. I hiss in pain as the hot metal touches my skin. I pick up the urn, get back up and start running towards the door again. 20 ft. 10 ft. 5 ft. I'm almost there. I feel heat at my back again. My clothes are on fire. I'm on fire. Its only my back but I can feel the heat against my clothes. I'm almost at the door, almost to safety. I slam my body at the door football style. I crash through the door and land onto the hallway floor. Two pairs of hands pull me up. "Eval, Eval are you ok? Eval answer me?" Mark. That's Mark's voice. I cough to clear the smoke from my lungs to answer. I say, " His ashes are in here. At least that's one less body. Dylan, your turn". We all stare at Dylan. Her teeth are still chattering, but her face has some color left in them. I see that Esme, Alex, and Jonathan all have bandages on them from where their fears injured them. Dylan walks toward the door and words appear on the door - Dylan, unlike the others, your fear has to be taken on the eight floor. The rest of you can leave the asylum but Dylan cannot. She can leave once she faces her fear and finds my remains. I stare at the door in silence before I explode, " there's no way we're leaving Dylan in here with that vicious dog!". The rest of the group agrees with me loudly. Dylan says, " look I'll be fine. You guys faced your fears, its my turn to face mine. I can't let these souls suffer anymore. I'll be fine". Words appear on the wall this time.  Dylan, since you're dealing with an actual animal that can tear you to pieces, you'll be given more time to escape your fear. Dylan nods and says, " Ok, guys, you have to leave". We all walk through the hallway and towards the door. We all step outside while Dylan stays inside. We all stare at each other.  Dylan nods once. As if saying yes to something. We continue to stare at each other until the door shuts. Locking Dylan inside with ghosts and hellhounds.

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