Chapter 4:Coming to

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Opal's P.O.V.
I thought plane crashes only happened in books and movies. Guess I was wrong. My whole body feels like a broken pencil. I thought when you were unconscious you weren't supposed to feel any pain. This wouldn't be the first time science has failed me. I can feel my eyes blinking beneath my eyelids. I open them. I see other people on the sand. Sand? Are we on a beach?. I push myself up on my hands. My legs wobble and I almost fall down, but I get my balance back. I look at the other people. I count them. Seven people. Eight, if you count me. They all look dead....what if they are?. I rush over to the red and black haired girl. I place my ear above her chest, where her heart is. For a whole second I don't hear anything, but then I hear it.Thu-Thump, thu-thump. Her heartbeat. She's still alive. I go around to the others survivors, checking their heart. I've checked all seven, all of their hearts are beating. I breath a sigh of relief. I sit down on the sand and wait for them to wake up. The red haired girl wakes up first, then the green haired girl, the blonde haired twin boys, the blue haired twin girls, and finally the boy in the gray hoodie. They look around shocked and confusion on their faces. I clear my throat and say," look, before we all, you know, freak out, we should learn each other's names, considering we're the only ones ali-er, here at the moment. I'm Opal Evans". The red haired girl speaks first," Dylan Asher ". Then the boy with the gray hoodie," Eval Maine" he tells us how to pronounce his name. Then the green haired girl," Esmerelda Greene, but you can call me Esma". The blonde haired twins go next," I'm Mark Kaine and this is Jonathan Kaine". Jonathan waves. Finally the blue haired twin girls," I'm Alex Lewis and this is Austin Lewis". We all wave at each other. I take a deep breath and say," first off, we were all unconscious and the plane landed in the water, did we all get on this island?". Dylan clears her throat and says,"Eval and I grabbed you all and swam away from the wreckage. We couldn't carry you all at once, so we took all of you that we could carry and swam to shore. I couldn't carry Austin and Alex together so I carried, I think, Austin? to shore then I went to get Alex. When we came to the shore I saw that Eval had passed out. I gently laid Austin on the sand. Then I crawled on my hands and knees until I passed out". I nod, blow some air out of my mouth and say," you guys couldn't save any supplies?". Dylan shakes her head and says," when I was going out the plane window, the plane was folding in on itself. I got me and Austin out through a window. When I was out fully, the plane fell down to the bottom of the ocean". I sigh and say," ok, so...we have no food, no way to contact people, no dry clothes, no supplies, and we're stranded". I look up at the sky and notice that it's getting dark, really dark. I stand up and say," look, it's getting pretty dark, we should all just stay here until morning. Then we can go search for, for something I guess. Besides, we don't know what else is here". As if on cue, a howl makes itself known. I can practically feel my blood freezing. The sound stops and it's quiet again. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I say," see? Look, how about we all just sleep here on the sand tonight, where it's mostly safe?". I look at their faces. Slowly, they all nod in agreement. They lay back down, so do I, but somehow I know that no one is going to be able to get some sleep.

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